Chapter thirty seven

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I woke up with a headache and tried to sit up slowly so not to intensify the pain. I looked around to find myself alone in the hotel room Sam and I got last night. Well, this morning. Was it this morning? How long have I been asleep? I reached for my phone to find it had died at some point so I went to my bag and grabbed my charger.
That's when I saw the piece of paper with my name on it.

I'm not sure how to actually feel about last night and I don't know if I should be sorry it happened but I realized that I need to leave. I'm sorry about just running out on you especially after what just happened with Dean and between us but I feel I need to do this. I left the keys to the impala so you have a way home but I'm probably not coming back.
Tell the kids I love them.
I'm sorry, Sam.

I couldn't believe it. Sam just left? He left no reason other he had to. This is unbelievable.
"Son of a bitch." I whispered, trying to think of what to do next. It didn't take long before I started packing my things, thankfully Sam didn't take Dean's shirt that I pulled out last night, and shoved everything in the backseat.
I walked up to the desk and the lady didn't even look up.
"I would like to check out please." I said as polite as I could manage.
"Room number?"
"623" she looked up the number and looked up at me.
"The young man you were with already paid. He come up this morning and said it was urgent that he left but wanted to let you sleep or something. But he already paid for the room. There's nothing left for you to do." Shocked, I just thanked her and left. I backed the impala out of the space she was in and started to make my way to Sioux Falls.

I knocked on Bobby's door and heard yelling from inside. He sounded a little drunk but he had his reasons. Obviously.
"Who the hell is knocking on my front door...Lucy. I'm sorry. Come on in. Is everything alright with the kids?" Bobby yelled as he whipped his door open. I jumped a little, not really expecting him to react that way. I've never seen him like that before.
"The kids are okay. I haven't told them yet. Sam and me stopped at a hotel last night before we headed back to Lisa's." Bobby looked around me before letting me inside and out of the cold weather. He handed me a bottle of whatever was sitting on his desk.
"No thanks. I did enough of that last night."
"So where is Sam?"  I looked down at my hands, picking my fingernails.
"He left last night after..." I couldn't finish. It was starting to feel wrong. Like I betrayed Dean somehow.
"After what Lucy? What happened? Did you two have a fight or something?" He asked, concern filing his voice.
"Or something." I said finally looking up but not quite meeting his eyes.
"Lucy what happened? Just tell..."
"I slept with him. Okay? I slept with my husband's brother only hours after he died." I found tears again as I explained what I had done. I had never felt so ashamed in my life. Yes, technically my husband is dead and now I can sleep with someone else, as crass as that sounds but there is a grieving period you're supposed to go through first. Right?
"So let me see if I have this right." Bobby said, pulling me back from my thoughts. And he didn't look too happy. "You slept with Sam? And while you were sleeping, he walked out of the room and left you there? To wake up alone and probably confused. Is that what you just said?" I simply nodded. "You've got to be kidding me. The stupid ass. Are you alright?" I just looked over at him, a little stunned by his comment.
"Wait, that's what you took from that? That Sam left?" Now it was his turn to be shocked. 
"What else was there to take from that?"
"The fact that I slept with my brother-in-law." A soft smile formed on his face. He came over to me and pulled me into a hug. He slowly pulled away and whacked me upside the head.
"You idjit. You were drunk and grieving. Two things that do not make a good combination I might add. He knew better than to leave you there alone. You are upset and probably scared of what to do next am I right?" I again, simply nodded. "Well you still got those rugrats that are going to need you now more than ever. Let's get you back to them before Lisa calls the cops.
And that's what we did. We told the boys about their father and told them that we'd take them to say goodbye in a few days. Things weren't okay but we still had Bobby and Lisa and Ben. And I still had my babies. I was definitely counting my blessings. 

I decided to end this fanfic here BUT I am in the works of a sequel. I'm not sure how far into the series I want to go but I am definitely not stopping here. The title is Finding Dean and I will keep you posted as to when it will be up. It shouldn't be more than a few days.
Thanks for reading!!!!
Stay awesome!

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