Chapter eighteen

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The sound I've been waiting for
The sound I've come to love
The roar of the impala pulling in the driveway.

I stood from my seat and ran to the door. I wiped it open as Sam and Dean hopped out of the car. I ran down the front stairs and ran to his arms, jumping into them and wrapping my legs around his waist. He was surprised by my actions but he was able to hold on and keep us upright.
We stayed that way for a few minutes before I finally slid down, setting my feet on the ground. Dean had to keep a steady hand on my back as my legs were shaky and couldn't really hold me up.
"Bobby I told you not to tell her."
"Don't be mad at him, Dean." I said, voice muffled by his jacket as I kept my face buried in his chest.
"Did you really think I wouldn't tell your wife?" Bobby asked sarcastically. I heard Dean let out a sigh of defeat and kissed the side of my head.
"Come on, Luce. Let's go inside." I let him lead me in and that's when I noticed the baby was crying. "Let me go. I missed her." I nodded as he walked up the stairs. I wiped the tears from my face as I looked up to Sam for an explanation.
"We screwed up. They caught Dean at a crime scene and arrested him. Then they found me at the motel and arrested me, hoping I would turn him in. Found the ghost we were looking for, well actually she was a death omen, and closed the case and the cop let us go." I nodded once before going up the stairs to our daughter's room. I stood in the doorway and Dean didn't notice my presence so I got to watch him with her.
"Hey, Connie. Did you miss daddy? I sure missed you. Let's get your diaper change so we can get you something to eat. How does that sound?" Constance made a small baby sound and Dean smiled down at her on the changing table as she kicked her little legs with excitement.
"That's what I thought." He said, putting a fresh diaper on our daughter and got her dressed. He didn't know much about baby girls, he told me that himself but he knew our baby girl. He got her dressed, feed, changed, and down for a nap like it was nothing. Constance was a total daddy's little girl and I loved that.
He got her ready to go downstairs in a little pink dress and grey leggings with some little baby socks that I just can't get over how cute they are and he picked her up, finally seeing me.
"How long have you been standing there?" He said, quietly, expecting me to start yelling. I walked up to him and kissed his cheek.
"Long enough to watch you be an amazing dad." He smiled and kissed me softly. "God when Bobby told me what happened, my heart stopped. I didn't know what to think, what to do. I just wanted you here. What's going to happen now?" I asked. He looked down at Constance and shrugged.
"I'm not sure, Lucy. I just know that I have to be more careful. After St Louis and now this, they'll probably be looking for me."
"But I though you said they thought you died in St Louis." I said as we walked down the stairs.
"They did but now with this, my name popped back up and they're trying to figure out what happened then. I'm not sure what's going to happen now." I nodded and we reached the bottom and Sam came and took Constance from his brother, happy to see her.
"Okay, I've got my niece. Where is my nephew?"
"I'm right here, uncle Sammy." DJ said, ducking under elbows, trying to make a path through us. Sam's face lit up even more as he looked down to see him. He always seemed happier around them.
"Hey bud." Sam situated Constance in his arms so he could hug DJ. "What were about to go do?"
"I was going to throw a ball around with grandpa Bobby." DJ answered, looking up at Bobby.
"That sounds awesome. Mind if I join?" Sam asked, also looking to Bobby, not wanting to intrude.
"Sure. The more the merrier. Come on kiddo." Sam handed Constance back to me and I walked to take she upstairs.
I gently laid her down in her bassinet when I felt two strong arms wind themselves around my waist. I smiled as I lay my head back, closing my eyes, knowing I'm going to have to let him go again.
"Do you have another case yet?" I asked softly.
"No. Not yet but I'm just going to take it easy for a few days. Let this blow over. Be with you guys. We were gone for a while." I nodded and felt as he started rocking us gently back and forth as we watched our daughter sleep.
"She's perfect isn't she?" I whispered, not wanting to wake her up.
"Oh yeah. She looks just like you."
"And DJ looks like you. It's almost perfect." Dean kissed the back of my head and hummed in content.
"I know it's a little soon but do you think about having another kid. Somewhere down the road?" Dean asked me, I smiled thinking about growing our family.
"I don't know. Maybe someday. Another kid wouldn't be so bad."
"Good. I want more DJs and more Constances running around.
"Me too."

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