Chapter two

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I was getting ready for my date with Howard when I heard the front door open, I knew that he wasn't here yet because he doesn't usually make any noises when he comes in.
"DJ? Baby is that you?"
"Yeah, mom. I was just playing basketball in the backyard with Cody. He had to go home so I came in." I heard him answer. I smiled listening him talk about his best friend. Cody was a boy on our street and DJ has known him a long time.
"Hey DJ can you come in here for a second? I want to talk to you." I heard him take his shoes off by the door and quickly run into my room, jumping up onto the bed, bouncing a few times before settling on his back and smiling at me.
"What's up mama?" He asked.
"Sweetie, I know how you are to call Ingrid if something happens or if I don't come home?" He nodded. "Well, I left another number on the fridge and I want you to call that number first. Don't call Ingrid, call the number I put there today. Okay?" He nodded before running off to play video games. I laughed to myself and turned back to the mirror, losing my smile.
I looked at my reflection and started to wonder if he would have to use that number tonight. Would he have to call the man who happens to be his father because something happened and I couldn't get back to him?
No. I'm not thinking like that tonight. Tonight, I will come home to my son and we watch movies seems it's Friday night. I started to curl my brown hair and pull it back so it wasn't in my face and then I applied makeup to my honey colored eyes before getting dressed and heading out.

Tonight was a nightmare.
I found myself locked in the bathroom of the restaurant we were at, trying to compose myself. Howard had made a scene because I kept checking my phone to see if DJ had called me for anything. Howard was not thrilled by the distraction.
He was clearly upset by the lack of attention and quickly made it known. He started slamming his utensils on the table and when I finally caught on, I put the phone in my purse but it seemed to be too late. He was mad and there was no changing his mood at this point. I was learning that now.
"I'm sorry. I was just checking on my son."
"DJ is nine, Lucy. I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself. You're with me tonight. Is it too much to ask for a little attention?" I felt my eyes widen in pure shock, he's never talked about DJ like this. He usually seemed to really like him. He leaned forward and placed his hand on mine. To others it seemed like a term of endearment but in reality he was squeezing my wrist so tight it took everything in me not to yell out it pain and surprise.
"I'm sorry, Howard. I'm sorry. I won't check my phone again." He smiled then and leaned back against his chair, releasing my wrist. I let out a sound of relief as I pulled my arm back,  rubbing the tender skin.
"I...uh, I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." He nodded but not before stomping on my foot with the heel of his shoe.
"Hurry back." He said, eerily calm. I nodded with a smile and went to the bathroom where I am now reapplying my makeup so I don't look like a total train wreck when I walk back out. Hopefully, this night is almost over. I just wanted to get back to my son.

The next morning, I found myself stumbling into my house, knowing that DJ was worried about me. He called about fifty times last night and about a hundred more this morning. My whole body hurt from the events that took place after the restaurant.
Once we got to the car, I thought the date was over but I had no idea he was planning more for the night so when I asked where we were going, he got angry and starting yelling.
"You are really a piece of work aren't you? Here I am trying to make this whole night nice and romantic and you're just trying to ruin the whole thing. We're going to my apartment, Lucy."
Once we got there, he started hitting me. Something he's never done before. He started pushing me around until I finally apologized and he began to calm down a little. He was still a little rough with me but it slowly started to cease. I was afraid of what he would do if I angered him further so I just went along with what ever he wanted for the night.
He went to the kitchen and came back with some wine and handed me a glass, I drank it gladly and on the night went which eventually ended in the bedroom. He was not romantic in any form of the word. He was extremely rough and didn't care about me at all, just what he wanted.
Once he was finally finished with me, I excused myself to the bathroom and took a shower. I found myself on the shower floor, knees pulled up to my chest, tears falling and mixing with the water. This was unbelievable. I've never been treated like this in my life and I didn't know what to do.
Now, thankfully he had to go out and I was free to go home. I sat on my porch for a few minutes to compose myself for DJ. He didn't need to see me like this.
"Mama?" I heard from the doorway. I turned to see him stand there with a man I've never seen before in my life. I shot up from my porch swing ready to grab DJ but the man put his hands up.
"We didn't hurt him. He called us." Then the events from yesterday came back. Dean. "He's in the kitchen. DJ stay out here with me so they can talk." DJ nodded but not before hugging me which sent pain shooting through my entire body.
"I'll be out in a minute bubby." I then walked passed the man and walked into my house where I knew he was waiting.
I made it to the kitchen and he was looking out the back window. He was taller than I remember and bulkier. His demeanor was definitely different from high school.
"Dean?" He turned around to face me with those same hazel eyes he gave our son. The same brown hair and stubble that he had ten year ago. Those same lips that I've longed to kiss for far too long. I was rendered speechless.
"DJ huh?"

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