Chapter seven

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It's been a few months since Dean came home and honestly, it's been amazing. He goes on hunts, his dad sometimes goes with him or on separate ones and I stay home with DJ.
I never once heard from Howard since I last saw him in the hospital and it started to scare me at first but after a few weeks, I felt safe enough to go back home and I still haven't so much as seen his car. I packed his things that he had left here and Dean dropped them off at his place.
"Mom, when is dad coming back? He's supposed to help me with my project." DJ came walking into the kitchen with some construction paper and markers, sitting at the table as I finished making lunch. I handed him the sandwich and sat next to him.
"He called a little while ago. He should be back in a few hours. You two can work on it after dinner." DJ nodded and went back into the living room, watching cartoons. "Hey, you have about another half an hour with that television." I yelled out to him, hearing him groan in return. I cleaned up what I was doing and looked at my watch. Dean said he'd be back by dinner and hopefully, he was right. Last time he was delayed a little and was a day late getting back.
I heard the phone ring and I picked it up, seeing Dean's name on the caller ID. I answered it.
"Hey, you almost here? DJ is asking for you. You're supposed to help him with some project."
"Damn it." I heard his gruff voice say over the phone. "Yeah, I'm almost there but I can't stay long. My dad isn't answering the phone and I got a strange voice mail from him. Tell DJ I'll be home soon." I looked toward the living room and sighed.
"Are you alright though? You're not hurt are you?" I asked, hoping to God everything was alright.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just finished up a difficult hunt in Montana but I am on my way back and I will be there in about twenty minutes."
"Alright, well I love you."
"Love you too."

Twenty minutes later, DJ is running to meet Dean at the door. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.
"Hmmm, I should go away more often if I get greeted like that." He said, gruffly. I just smiled back and we heard DJ groan in disgust.
"Hey I just missed you but I actually have something for you." I went over to my purse and pulled out my wallet.
"What's this?"
"A credit card. A legit credit card that I am paying for. Listen, I hate the thought of you getting caught for credit card fraud and I wanted to make sure it was all okay." He smiled and kissed me again.
"Babe, I've been doing this my whole life with my dad, never once been caught." I just smiled and went back to the kitchen to finish dinner.

"Mom, we're finished." I heard DJ say from the living room. I came out and saw that they had made a shadow box display for school. "It's about what dad does for work." I looked up at Dean, worry filling my features.
"Lucy, don't worry about it. I'm a pest control guy. See, I have my little pest killing weapon here and my car with all my pest killing supplies. It's completely normal."
"Yeah because I know how much you love normal." I walked back into the kitchen and set the table.
"Alright, I have a feeling that wasn't the joke you made it sound like for DJ. What's up?" Dean asked, following me into the kitchen. I sighed, setting the forks down on the counter.
"Dean, I love you and I support and accept what you do but I guess it's just a little...much." He looked at me with his hazel eyes and I could tell he didn't fully understand. "I know what you do is dangerous. I've talked to pastor Jim and I've heard your war stories so I have to sit here with DJ and wonder if you're even going to walk through that door. And I can't really vocalize these thoughts because he's only ten. I don't want to scare him." Dean then walks forward, putting his arms around me and kissing my forehead.
"Sweetie, where is this coming from? You never told me any of this before." I looked up at him and knew I had to tell him the truth.
"Dean. I'm pregnant."

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