Chapter twenty five

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After that, we started packing things and figuring out what we needed to save and what needed to be thrown out so we could move. I called a realtor and started the selling process. I was a little worried about how DJ was going to to take it but he seemed excited. I was afraid to take him away from his friends and his life here but he was ecstatic to go with his dad.
Right now, Dean is talking to him about his life on the road and what exactly he did. Dean wasn't happy that he knew but was relieved all the same.
"Hey, what are we doing with Connie's clothes that don't fit anymore." I heard Sam ask behind me. I turned to see a tote filled with baby clothes.
"I'm going to go through them tonight and figure out which ones I want to save and then I'm donating the rest to Pastor Jim's church. That man did a lot for me when he helped me find you guys. I just wish I could have returned the favor when he was still alive." Sam just nodded before taking the tote to the living room.
"Babe, what are we going to do with all of this furniture? We have nowhere to keep it." Dean asked, coming into the kitchen.
"Some of it my parents are taking for us. They said they have some room in their garage and storage shed. The rest I guess we can sell or donate." Dean nodded and slowly walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I lay my head on his chest and inhale his smell, listening to his heart beat while I still can.
"Are you sure about this, Luce? I mean, you're giving up your life here. DJ and Connie's chance at a life." I took a deep breath and lifted my head to meet his eyes with mine.
"I want to spend every minute I can with you until..."
"Until what?" DJ asked, walking in the room. I looked to Dean, hoping he had an answer. We decided not to tell DJ about the deal so he wouldn't have to dread every day that counted down to that horrible last second. The second I've been thinking about and dreading since Dean told me about it.
"Until you go stay with your grandparents. Or grandpa Bobby. We never really talked about that." He said looking to me for an answer now. I smiled down at my son.
"Yeah this traveling around thing is only temporary. When we're done, we will be staying with either your grandparents or grandpa Bobby. We just haven't talked to them about it yet." I answered. DJ just shrugged and went into the living room to help Sam.

The house sold quickly and we got our things that we kept to my parents house. We stayed for a few days before Sam and Dean could find another hunt.
We were eating dinner with my parents, tension filled the room seems my dad still didn't like Dean. Blaming him for being gone all those years, no matter how many times I told him it was mine.
Finally I couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm going to go check on Connie." I said, wiping my face with my napkin and standing, Sam Dean and daddy standing with me. I found her sleeping peacefully in our room so I started to go back when I saw DJ walking in.
"Did you finish your dinner?" I asked. He nodded.
"Grandpa and dad are 'talking'" he said before pulling out his handheld game thingy and sat on the bed.
"Okay. But turn that down. If you wake your sister, I'll kill you." He just nodded and did as I asked. When I walked down the stairs, I waited outside the door.
"Well, Dean being a father isn't the easiest job in the world and you plan to do it on the road?" I rolled my eyes, of course.
"I've been doing a pretty good job so far. Having them with me, with us, shouldn't be any different. Besides, it's's only temporary. Only for about a year." I heard the pain in his voice that I'm pretty sure only Sam and I could. My parents had no idea what was going on and I wanted to keep it that way.
"But she sold her house. Where does she expect to live?" He asked, clearly judging my husband. I heard Dean clear his throat and shift in his seat.
"We're working things out. Don't worry, I'm taking care of my family."
"To be honest Dean, I am worried. It doesn't exactly seem like you are."
"Excuse me?" Oh crap. I dropped my head in my hands. "I take very good care of my family. I'm home every weekend to see my children and my wife, I put food on the table and make sure everything is taken care of. To be honest sir, I'm a little offended by the insinuation that I'm a bad father and husband." I needed to step in but I wanted to see Dean stand his ground like I knew he could.
"Well it only took you ten years to step up."
"Conner. Please, not now." I heard mom say. I was feeling my blood boil at dad's comment. Dean was quiet and that wasn't a good sign.
"That's not on me. I didn't know I had a family until about two years ago." Dean was calm and that meant he was seriously pissed and if dad knew what was good for him, which he doesn't, he would back off.
"Are you blaming my daughter?"
"No. I'm not blaming her. There is no blame to place because I know she did what she thought was the best for everyone at the time. Do I wish I had known then? Yeah I do but I can't change the past. All I can do is be there now. Make up for the time lost and live my life with them. I love DJ and I love Connie and I love my wife. So how about you back off just a little bit and cut me some slack." He was yelling by the end of his speech and I ran back to the room to check on the kids. Connie was stirring a little so I told DJ to be completely silent but it didn't work. She started fussing so I picked her up and brought her back to the dinning room. Everyone was silent as I fed her and finished my own dinner. Mom was the one to break the silence.
"How did you two pick her name? It's so...unique." I laughed a little, lightening the mood a little bit.
"Mom, you can say you don't like it." Everyone laughed a bit, even dad so hopefully the fighting was over. "Before Dean's father passed, he mentioned that he always wanted a daughter named Constance and it just seemed to fit so we used it." I answered, looking down at her, smiling.
"And her middle name? How'd you pick Mary?" Dad asked, taking a bite of his food. Dean looked at me and I nodded but Sam was the one to answer.
"Mary was our mother's name. She passed when we were really young." Mom and dad nodded together and smiled at our baby.
"She really is beautiful. Lucy may I?" I looked up to dad and slowly stood to give her to him. He seemed content holding his granddaughter. I looked to my husband and found him smiling at me.
We're going to be okay. I thought.
For now, we're going to be okay.

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