Chapter eleven

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I don't know why I didn't think of him before. It made perfect sense.
"Howard? Does he have a last name? Why do you think he would do this?" Officer James asked. I turned to her.
"Howard Grantmen. He was my boyfriend a few months ago. He was abusive and when I ended up in the hospital, we told him to leave and he threaten me that he would come back. It's been months, I didn't think he'd keep his word." I explained. She nodded.
"Well the name on the corvette plates is Charles Grantmen, could that be where he got them?" I shrugged.
"Maybe, I didn't really meet much of his family. The name doesn't even sound familiar."
"Alright, well I'm going to the station to find out what I can about Howard Grantmen." We nodded and she left.
"He's going to be okay, Lucy. They're going to bring him home to us. I promise." I felt the tears fall once again as I sank to my knees, Dean doing his best to support me as I fell.
"He's so scared and he's alone with that monster. Dean what am I supposed to do?"
"Hey." He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed my forehead before meeting my eyes with his. "We will get him back. You. You just need to worry about that baby okay? I will worry about our son. I hunt monsters. Lucy I will find this one."
"He isn't your usual monster." I said looking up at him. He just smiled down at me.
"They're all the same. Every single one. Human or not, all monsters are the same." I just smiled up and kissed him.

Days went by, days without any information on DJ. If someone knew something, they weren't coming forward. I was terrified and Dean was climbing the walls.
The corvette three towns over was a dead end. He was Howard's uncle and they never spoke. He noticed his plates were missing but didn't know who actually took them.
I haven't gotten out of bed and I barely ate. Dean was terrified and didn't know what to do. I heard him and Sam talking from the other room.
"Sam have you found anything? Something that I could tell Lucy. I'm dying here man." I heard Dean practically beg his little brother.
"Dean I'm doing the best I can. I'm going to the station to talk to officer Jame about possible green trucks in the area and where the addresses are listed. It's the best think we've got right now."
"That's good. That's something right? You've got to be able to get some kind of lead out of that. I just...I'm scared Sam. My son, who I've barely known six months is missing, my pregnant wife isn't eating and I'm afraid of losing them too." I felt so bad. I didn't realize what I was doing to Dean. I let my fear take over and I completely shut everyone out, including my husband. I was only thinking of DJ when I had other family I needed to be thinking of too.
I stood from my bed and went into the other room where Dean was talking to Sam. They both stopped talking when they noticed my presence. Dean looked scared.
"Lucy? Is everything alright?" I didn't answer him, I just walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. He was taken by surprise at first but quickly reacted by putting his arms around me and holding me tightly.
"I'm going to go make lunch." Sam said, starting for the stairs. Clearly uncomfortable. I smiled a little.
"You've had me worried, Luc. Are you okay?" I nodded.
"As okay as I can be with our son being kidnapped and all." We both laughed a little and suddenly it's quiet. Too quiet. I looked around the room and noticed the window that I perfectly remember closing was now open.
"Dean." I simply said, pointing. Not trying to make it obvious that I noticed the small change in my home. He nodded and went to the stairs.
"Hey, Sammy. Can you come up here for a minute? I need help with this crap stuck to my shoe." That was the stupidest thing I think I've heard lately and I was about to say something when Sam came running up the stairs, clearly alarmed. Dean quickly put a finger to his lips telling him silently to be quiet.
"Oh yeah, I remember you telling me that earlier." Sam said and dean pulled me closer as they began to look around. Nothing other than the window seemed to be out of place but then again, our whole world was flipped so who knows.
Then I heard it.
I wasn't sure if the guys did, but I KNOW I did.
I quickly looked around trying to find where it was coming from.
Then I heard it again, clearer this time. It was right in front of me.

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