Chapter sixteen

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Days past and it still seemed unreal. John is dead. Dean and Sam set up a pyre for him as Bobby, DJ and I waited in the car, away from the cool night air. Dean looked defeated and I had no idea what to do to help him. Soon I realized there isn't anything, I just need to let him get through this knowing that I'm here.

We've been bad home for about a month now and we're slowly getting used John being gone. I felt like a walrus and DJ was enjoying summer vacation as it was coming to an end. The phone rang, stirring me from my thoughts.
"I'll get it mom. It's probably Uncle Sam anyway." I nodded, knowing the phone would stop ringing by the time I stood up. Sam and Dean call constantly just to make sure everything is good and the baby is okay. DJ was talking away as I felt a twinge in my stomach and I sat up a little straighter. Looking down seeing that my pants were now wet. 
"DJ, give me the phone." I said, getting his attention. He listened, cutting off his conversation with his uncle.
"Lucy? Is everything alright?" Sam asked from the other end.
"My water just broke." I yelled into the receiver. I heard taking on the other end before he started speaking to me again.
"Okay, listen we're like fifteen minutes away Lucy. Get ready to leave and we'll be there to take you to the hospital. Okay? Just hang tight." He explained.
"Okay see you when you get here." I said before hanging up. DJ looked scared, not knowing what to do.
"Deej, there is a bag in the closest, grab that and put it by the door. I'm going to go change my pants. He nodded before helping me up and I wobbled up the stairs, getting some clean sweat pants on, I walked back down as my first contraction hit. I held my stomach as I slowed reaching the bottom.
I heard the impala pull up and Dean ran in the house looking around for me.
"Come on Lucy. We gotta go." He said, panicking a little.
"Give me a minute." I said, catching my breath. This one wasn't bad but it was bad enough. Once I felt it pass enough to move, we were in the car and gone.

"Come on baby, push! You can do it come on!" Dean was cheering me on as I pushed over and over again. It seemed like it was taking a lifetime as each contraction moved into the next but now here we are, at the home stretch.
"Okay, Lucy. I need you to really push. I can see the head but the baby isn't budging. You need to give it all you've got." The doctor said as he worked on getting my baby out.
"I'm trying." I said throwing my head back. Finally, I pushed with everything I had and the baby come right out.
"It's a girl!" The doctor yelled as he passed her to me. A girl. I have a little baby girl. I can't believe it. I was suddenly overwhelmed by all emotion as I hugged her close and Dean huddled close as we both admired the little creature that we made together. 
"Look what we did." I said through the tears. He leaned in and kissed my forehead.
"We did good." He said and I could here the emotion in his voice. "I'm going to go tell Sam and Bobby. I'll be right back." I just nodded, not looking up from my beautiful daughter. They gently took her to clean her up and I patiently waited as I myself was cleaned up to go our room.
I felt fatigue take over and rested my head against my pillow, closing my eyes as they wheeled me back to my room.

"Do we have a name yet?" The nurse asked as Dean and sat on my bed, holding our daughter.
"I thought I did but I guess I was wrong. Malia doesn't seem to suit her like I thought it would. Do you have any ideas?" I asked looking back at Dean. He smiled like he had a good one.
"Right before dad died, he asked me what the baby was. I told him she was a girl. He said that he had wished him and mom had had a little girl. He would have named her Constance. Which is ironic because that was the name of the first ghost Sam and I hunted together after I went to get him."
"Well that settles that then. Your name is Constance. Constance Mary Winchester." Dean looked down at me, shocked that I used his mother's name. At first I thought he didn't like it but then he kissed me. 
"That's a beautiful name. Here is the paperwork for her birth certificate. I just need you both to look over it, see that it's filled out correctly and then sigh it." I took the form from her and looked it over.
Name of child: Constance Mary Winchester.
Date of birth: July 11 2006*
Mothers name: Lucy Donovan
Fathers name: Dean Winchester
Everything looked good so we signed it and gave it back. Soon Bobby and Sam brought in DJ so he could meet his baby sister and honestly for the first time in a while. We were happy.

*Constance's birthday is going off the year this particular season aired. Which is around the beginning of season two. I did my best with it seems as season two premier picked up where one left off so having the baby around may/June seemed to work better than trying to figure out how to work in the time job so I made it July.

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