Chapter ten

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I heard DJ scream and my heart stopped. Sam and Dean were already running into the other room before I could register anything. I commanded my legs to go and I started running. When I got to the kitchen what I saw scared me more than anything.
Glass was everywhere, things were thrown from the countertops, the fridge was covered in the spaghetti sauce from DJ's lunch, but what scared me the most, DJ wasn't there.
"Dean?" I called out once I noticed he wasn't in the room. I looked around and saw Sam running in the now broken back door as I heard two cars start in the front of the house. One was green pick up truck and the other was clearly the impala.
I ran to the front door and stood on the porch as they both started racing down the street.
"That man took DJ." Sam said behind me. I suddenly couldn't breathe and gasped for air as my knees gave out. This wasn't happening. Sam caught me before I could hit the ground and pulled me back in the house. He sat me down and tried to get me to calm down. But how could I? My son was just taken from my home.
I heard the familiar purr of the impala and suddenly found myself standing, Sam holding on to my elbow to keep me steady. I watched as Dean walked in, determined as ever as he ripped a paper the fridge and started writing on it.
"Sam, stay here. I'm going to keep driving. Lucy, take this and call the cops. That's the truck and the plate number. I couldn't see who the guy was but he had blonde hair and stood about six foot." He handed me the paper and continued to the door.
"Dean..." he stopped, suddenly grabbing the door frame for support. He then turned and quickly walked up to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"We'll find him, Luc. I promise." He whispered before kissing my forehead and walking out.
"I'll clean this up." I heard Sam say behind me. I was in too much shock to respond, I just stood there and watched the door my husband just walked out of. I looked at the paper in my hand and tried to will my legs to move, to carry me over to my phone with which I needed to call and report the fact that my son was just kidnapped out of my kitchen with me only a few feet away.
"Lucy? Lucy, hey you need to call 911." With that, something in me snapped and I called the cops. Told them my son was kidnapped and within minutes there was a policeman outside my door.

Dean came home sometime later and saw that I was still talking to the police.
"Are you his father?" Dean looked over at her and nodded. "Okay, my name is Officer James and I just need to ask a few questions." He again nodded.
"Yes. I mean okay, anything to get DJ back. I'll do whatever you need." He responded.
"Okay, you chased the man to his car correct?" Dean nodded. "And then proceeded to get into yours and continue the chase? What was the car you followed?"
"It was a green dodge. I followed it until I lost him on the freeway. Then I turned back but I've been driving around the city trying to find it again."
"Okay well the plate number you gave us belonged to a red corvette from three towns over. We are looking into it to see how the plate ended up on that truck. In the meantime, we will need a picture of DJ and a description of the clothes he was wearing when he was taken. What is his full name? What does DJ stand for?" Dean looked to me.
"Dean Jakob. His name is Dean Jakob Winchester." Officer James nodded and write that down in her little notebook while I stood to get a picture of DJ from the living room.
"He was wearing a light gray t-shirt with a dinosaur on the front, he also had on a navy blue captain America hoodie with his shield in the left side and some blue jeans." I said as I handed her the picture. She took it and told us she was going to the station to get everything together before helping with the search.

News crews kept coming by and trying to talk to us. I just stayed in the kitchen, drinking coffee and trying my best to keep myself together. I heard a knock on the door and Dean yelled that he would get it, getting ready to yell at another crew.
"Oh. Officer James, come in." I stood quickly, hoping there was good news. When they walked into the kitchen I knew there wasn't.
"I'm sorry to just come by like this but there was a question that has come up."
"That's completely fine. Anything that helps find DJ."
"Do either of you have any enemies?" Dean and I looked at each other, shocked. Enemies?
"I don't think...oh god." I said, holding my head in my hands.
"Lucy?" Dean didn't come to conclusion.

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