Chapter thirty three

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A few months passed and we got a hang on the new normal. Dean calls and visits Ben when he can and we continue to travel with him. DJ is happy to have a sibling more his age even though there is still a small age difference there.
Dean has been gone for a few days on some weird job and hasn't called once. This time we stayed close to Lisa and Ben so that the boys could hang out for a few days. I decided to call one of them to get some answers.
"Lucy? Hey sorry we haven't called its been a messed up job but we're one our way back and I'll explain it when we get there." Dean had answered the phone. I simply agreed and we talked for a while before hanging up.

"Okay wait." I said to Dean as he finished explaining some of the messed up job they had to deal with. "Who's Gordon Walker? You've never mentioned him before. It sounds like there's a history there." I asked, getting impatient. Dean's sitting here talking about vampires and Sam killing a hunter. The last hunter my husband talked about still gives me nightmares.
"You never told her about Gordon? Seriously?" I looked from Sam to his brother.
"Excuse me?"
"It's nothing and we took care of it. He was a crazed hunter that dad knew and when we met him, we kind of left him tied to a chair...for a few days." My jaw dropped. "Then he tried to kill Sam for being the antichrist. Which obviously wasn't true. So let's move on. Please." I just shook my head and walked away.
"Lucy, wait."
"I'm taking the impala. I told Lisa you'd be back today so I'd be able to pick up the kids."
"Kids? As in plural?" Dean asked, suddenly looking around for the baby.
"Yeah, she is Ben's sister too. Besides Lisa offered so I could have a mommy day." Dean smiled and pulled me closer to him, I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Do you have to go right now?"
"Not a chance."
"In that case give me. I'm leaving." I handed Sam the car keys as Dean pulled me over to our bed, knocking over a few things in the process.

"Dean, we got to go. Come on." I yelled, getting our one year old* ready for Christmas with my parents. They graciously invited Sam in which he equally graciously declined. Dean was a little upset but he let it go.
"DJ come on, you both are driving me nuts. We're going to be late."
"Babe, do you honestly thing it's okay for me to go looking like this? I mean come on, I'm beat to hell, I have a huge gash on my wrist, I look like I lost a fight with..."
"I don't care." I said, cutting him off. "Get dressed and get in that car. You too DJ, let's go. The girls are done before the men. That's not right. It's against the natural order, move it. Move it." I heard Sam laughing from the other room. We got an actually descent hotel instead of those no-tell motels that Dean always picks out. This one had two rooms plus a pull out. Each room had two beds so Sam had his own room. DJ bunked with us to give his uncle a break.
"I'm ready mom." DJ come out with a very nice Christmas suit that I had bought for tonight. It was black and he had a nice dress shirt under it. He was old enough to get himself ready, as mush as I hate to admit it. His hair was slicked back and his eyes were brighter somehow. The greens and browns really showing. I couldn't help but see how much he really looked like his father.
"Mom? What? You were just yelling that we need to go but here you are staring." Sam laughed again.
"Did he hit the eggnog that hard already?" I asked Dean who started laughing but silently agreed with me.
Dean grabbed Connie and I wrapped my arm around my son's shoulders, kissing his head.
"You're growing up on me, bubby. Stop." He chuckled a little and hugged me tightly.
"Only if you do the same mom."
"I'll do my best." And with that, we were off to my parents.

Dinner wasn't awful. My parents were very respectful of Dean this time. I'm pretty sure it's the fact that it's been two years and he's still around. Dad talked with Dean about things Dean was nowhere near interested in but he went along with it because he wanted to be respectful and he wanted dad to like him.
"So sweetie, how is the road trip? It's still going on right?" Mom started talking to me, we were cleaning up dinner when I stopped to watch my family.
"It's going good. It's only for a few more months. It's almost...over." I turned back to see Dean, fear gripping my heart and tightened a hold so strong it stole my breath. Dean seemed to notice my behavior and turned to look at me. He gave me a small small and a nod before going back to talk to my dad.
That was when it hit me.
My husband only has a few months left to live.

*because I'm a dud and can't do math very well. I made Connie somehow younger than she should have been. This is Christmas of the third season and she was born just after the first so that would mean she's over a year old. My bad. From here on out she's a year old.
And to make sure I'm going about this with some kind of brain. I had to figure out DJs bday because I never actually put one in here. I've settle at somewhere in September which would make him 12 at this moment.

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