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It has been a year since Mark and Jinyoung broke up. The latter's still on the phase of moving on. He didn't know about Jinyoung— he wished he didn't know about it at all.

Mark went to every bar in LA in order for him to move on. He has made out with numerous kinds of people but no one could compare to Jinyoung's sweet lips.

Oh how he missed it!

“I'm sorry.” He said once he bumped someone. Turns out it was one of his great friends. “Hey, Seungwan!”

“We're in America dude! Unless you want me to call you Yi En?” Wendy said raising one of her eyebrows.

“Alright, Wendy it is.” Mark surrendered, but he immediately grinned. “I still like to call you Wannie.”

“Ugh, such a stubborn kid.” They sat on the high stools.

“Call me Pooh so that we can be Wannie the Pooh!” Mark said. He laughed while holding his stomach but Wendy suddenly kicks his knees. “Aww! You're so brutal, babe.” Mark jokingly whined.

“You know, you could try to be a good kid like the one at the corner.” Wendy mouth pointed a guy at the far corner. He was wearing black Converse, black pants, dark blue jacket, white shirt and glasses. He was reading a book while there are people making out in his surrounding.

“Are you setting me up with a nerd?” Mark asked.

“He's not a nerd. He just likes reading books and hey, his style is so cute.” Wendy giggled. “You know Joy?” Wendy asked. Mark nodded. “That's his brother who came here... two days ago, I think?” Wendy acted as if she was thinking.

“Could you possibly set me up with Joy? You know I'm trying not to show my gayness.” Mark asked. Wendy rolled her eyes and it made Mark confused. “You are a slow-witted gay, Yi En.”

And that's when Mark realized all things. “Park Jinyoung could not be possibly here!” He shouted. Only Wendy heard since everyone's so loud.

“You just sit here. Wait for him to do weird things or wait for him go to you.” Wendy said before leaving.

Mark sighed then drank a glass of tequila. He should not let Jinyoung notice he knows he is here.

Mark tried to drift his mind from something else.

He looked around the room, and he saw Wendy making out with Taehyung.

Ah, Seungwan! She was such a perfect lady. She's very beautiful and kind and intelligent and rich and sexy. He is every man's ideal lady. She could have been the second person Mark would take seriously but the girl is already in a relationship.

Then there's Yoongi and Bambam having a vocal battle. God knows how bad their voices are but people don't mind it coz they're drunk. (Please don't hate me)

On his side are Yugyeom and Jungkook enjoying their freedom. They enjoyed it so much that they drank almost all kinds of cocktails, forgetting about their school tomorrow.

Then there is Sungjae taking every shot that's supposed to be for Joy.

Then there is Park Jinyoung looking at him.

Mark immediately avoided the gaze with Jinyoung. He cursed himself. I'll never turn around.

The last year's moment still hurts him inside. It haunts him. When Jinyoung caught him kissing another girl. When Jinyoung slapped him while crying. When Jinyoung won't listen to his explanations.

When Jinyoung decided to break up with him.

When he went to America to move on, he started receiving messages from Jinyoung wanting to be with him again.

Mark repeatedly told himself not to because of a personal reason.

He, again took a shot of tequila.

He went for a walk in the hallways but he sensed someone's following him. He just kept walking and ignored the person behind him. He knew whose scent was that. Perfume regret.

It was Jinyoung's.

“When will you stop ignoring me?”

Mark stopped from walking. He sighed but never turned to Jinyoung. “When you are buried six feet under the ground.” He said. Mark being bitter is an understatement. He is still mad at Jinyoung, and he wants to throw the younger to a place where nobody exists.

The younger grabbed him and kissed him. Then Jinyoung opened his eyes. “At least give me a goodbye kiss before I die.” The younger said.

He cornered Jinyoung in the wall. Mark is practically looking up at Jinyoung since the younger is a bit taller than him. “The fuck do you want?”

But Jinyoung was smarter than him that's why their hips and legs are now connected. Mark's both hands are cuffed with Jinyoung's hands. Jinyoung's lips is brushing at Mark's right ear.

“I just want you back.” The younger answered. Jinyoung ground their hips together and Mark felt good. It was just like before.

Mark managed to get one of his hands from Jinyoung. He opened the door nearest to them.

They kissed roughly. Jinyoung's legs are wrapped around Mark's waist while the older is locking the door.

He sat on the bed while Jinyoung is on his lap. They made out the whole night, but they never got laid.

Mark missed this so much. He regretted avoiding the younger for a year but anger never left his heart.

They are both lying in the bed half naked, panting.

“Are we... you know? Are we now alright?” Jinyoung asked.

“Make me fall for you again.” Mark said, smirking. Jinyoung was of course, shocked.

But Jinyoung is so desperate to be with Mark again. He'd never go this far just to give up.

He had given up his career in Korea just to meet Mark and be with him again.

He can't destroy his life for nothing.

“This is an assault, though. Now, get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops on you."

And just when Jinyoung thought he was given a chance, Mark changed his mind which confused their hearts and minds for the rest of the night.

Lemme give it a try? English is not my first language so please forgive my grammar. Also please help me not make this story lame. I need some constructive criticism.

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