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"I DO NOT AG- oww!" Jackson stopped from walking and had his mouth open.

"I thought Jinyoung said he's going to transfer but what is this?" Jackson asked while still whispering.

"At least be happy they're okay now." Jaebum replied.

Jinyoung and Mark are holding each other's hand while sleeping.

"No. I can't be happy because it is still 10 am and they're already sleeping!"

"They look so adorable!" Yugyeom suddenly appeared. "I'm so happy!" He jumped away from them while cheering for MarkJin.

Jaebum and Jackson shook their head in disappointment.

"Such a baby." They both commented.


"Ehem ehem." Bambam cleared his throat. "Coz it's 12:59~~"

"Bambam, shut up!" Mark woke up first. He rubbed his eyes and slapped himself to fully wake up.

"It's now 1 pm. Do you want to eat?" Bambam asked. "Probably no. Maybe you already had your lunch." He raised his brows mischievously and smirked like an idiot.

"How are you so pervy, you're not even big." Mark mumbled but Bambam heard it.

"How do you know I'm not big?" He said in his jocal voice.

"Because you said it yourself. Now go out." He motioned him to the door.

"I'm out!" Bambam jumped to the door then suddenly followed by people hiding behind the walls.

"2 out!" Jackson said.

"3 out!" Yugyeom followed.

"4 out!" Said by ever cheery Youngjae.

And Jaebum just followed his dongsaengs to where they are going. He'd never do that because he is, according to him, chick and cool.

Mark went back to bed to wake Jinyoung up.

"Hey, Jinyoung. Wake up."

Jinyoung slowly opened his eyes. And it was the first time Mark felt butterflies in his stomach after they broke up.

How can he be this beautiful?

And Jinyoung was weirded out. The man he loves is staring at him like he's the most precious thing on Earth. He can feel his blood rushing onto his face so he decided to cut Mark off from staring at him.

"Hyung, what time is it?" He asked.

But Mark was still staring at him. "Time for me to love you." He said.

"Eh?!" Jinyoung was surprised and Mark came back to reality.

"Come again?"

"What time is it now, hyung?" He repeated.

"Time for us to eat. Now, get up."


"And Yugyeom won't let us eat until you two wake up. Now my stomach hurts." Youngjae whined.

"Then Jaebum did not do anything about it?" Jinyoung asked.

Jaebum was about to answer but pervy Bambam cut them off. "They ate each other, though."

All of them chuckled and it made 2Jae flush in embarrassment.

"Shut up. That's not true!" Jaebum said defensively.

"Then what was the 'Youngjae, fuck.' and all the moans?" Jackson imitated them.

"Stop it kids, we're in front of the food." Mark finally spoke. And it was in English.

"Hey, hey! It's English time. We only speak Engrish, okay?" Youngjae finally recovered from the embarrassment.

"No. We won't talk unless we all finish the food." Jinyoung spoke in perfect English. Everyone was shocked. But it is not because he spoke fluent English. It was because of the two hands on top of the table.

Mark and Jinyoung are holding hands. And their year long fight finally ended.


so short and so lame. 560+ words isn't enough and my mind is not really working right now but i have to update because i don't want y'all to keep waiting. i promise to make this longer next time.

OMG 200 VIEWS?! thank you so much guys

OMG 200 VIEWS?! thank you so much guys

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