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"I saw what you did there." Joy sat beside Mark.

"Your brother does not deserve a high person like me." Mark answered.

"Yeah, because he deserves someone greater." Joy hissed. "I hope you both find your peace but honestly, now" Joy looked at his brother who's being escorted out. "I hope you don't get any happier." With that, Joy left.

Mark laughed to himself. He is at the second floor watching everyone continue doing their stuffs. That is what he wants to think but in reality, he wished Jinyoung came up to find him like he always does for the past month.

Seeing Jinyoung make out with another girl was a stab to his heart. Was this his way of telling he gives up? Mark regrets a lot of things and it has been confusing him ever since the breakup.

He cried while touching his stomach. Remembering how he felt helpless when he lost his baby.


It was not him who kissed the girl but that is what appeared to Jinyoung and that's why they broke up.

He hated that girl so much because she ruined the moment. He was excited to tell Jinyoung he is pregnant.

Although assigned male at birth, it was possible for him to concieve due to a young adult's impulsive and rash decisions.

Having willingness has allowed him to be one of those who will be experimented on for a womb transplant. How fun would it be to surprise everyone if the said transplant was deemed successful.

The transplant itself was successful: Conceiving part was not any more difficult than before. But with pregnancy, he has to be extra careful... he needs to exert more effort than most pregnant women.

But Jinyoung won't listen to his explanation. He tried to call but the younger never answered. He even went to his studio but the guards won't let him in, saying it was Jinyoung's request. He even went to Jinyoung's house but he'll always shove him.

The last time he went to Jinyoung was the most horrible time. Jinyoung was so annoyed at Mark that he pushed him hard to the ground. The baby was miscarried. Mark had no energy to cry even when Jinyoung took the folders and never looked back. He was so lethargic and accepted that this was the end of all.

It was a stranger who he later knew as Wendy who saw him and immediately brought him to the hospital.

After some weeks, he decided to go with Wendy and Taehyung to America. Back to his hometown.

Taehyung was the friend who could have had a breakthrough if Mark successfully delivered the baby. It brought him trauma as well and vowed to never participate in advancing the research any longer.

Mark never told his friends what happened.

Wendy and Taehyung did shut their mouths.

His gang may have had an idea but never brought it up everytime they are on calls or meetups. He was extremely thankful for that.

At Taehyung's permission, Mark started going to parties. Until it was him who hosts the party.

His parents knew about Mark throwing a party at their house but they didn't care as long as nothing bad will happen.

Wendy entered his room. "Mark, the party is over." She announced.

"I miss him." Mark cried.

Wendy hugged him. "I know, we miss your baby too." She said. By we, she means her and Taehyung. "Anyways, 2Jae is gonna use one of your rooms. Jackson's asleep in the bar counter. And Jinyoung, he was escorted home."

"Why should I care about him?" He asked annoyingly.

"When are you gonna tell him?" She asked.

"He's the reason why my baby is gone." He shouted.

"It's his baby too!" Wendy shouted back. "At least have a proper closure. And tell him why you hate him so much. What made you hate him." She adviced.

"It's useless, Seungwan."

"Things I say are never useless, Yi En." She sighed. "That's one of the phases of moving on."

Wendy tapped his back. "Your baby surely wants to see his parents getting along."


Omg thank you so much for reading this 😍😍😍

I already have a video of Mark proposing to Jinyoung and as much as I wanted to share it with you guys, Wattpad won't let me.

Nways, here's a pic of Got7 (you wpuld think Jinyoung's giving Mark a piggy back ride if you won't look at it clearly)

Nways, here's a pic of Got7 (you wpuld think Jinyoung's giving Mark a piggy back ride if you won't look at it clearly)

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