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"Yes. And I don't like Jinyoung for Jisoo."

"I honestly don't care about that. Me and Jinyoung decided to be just friends," he paused to prevent himself from letting out a tear. "I'll take my leave."

Mark stood up from his seat and ran away from the restaurant. Jinyoung immediately followed him after apologizing for causing a scene.

He found Mark entering the bathroom so he followed him. Good thing there's no one inside the bathroom except them. He asked the mall staffs to not let anyone enter the bathroom until he says so. They immediately agreed once they were offered a large sum of money.

"Mark." Jinyoung called but Mark did not budge. "Shadow."

"Stop calling me shadow. We ain't in a relationshit." He snapped but Jinyoung hugged him from behind. Mark shove his hands away. "Please stop making me fall deeper for you." He turned to look at Jinyoung. The younger's eyes expressed so much emotion again and now Mark was wishing the younger wouldn't have any mental breakdown.

"Do you love me?" The younger asked. Mark was quite relieved.

"I don't want to." He avoided Jinyoung's eyes. He does not want to see him hurting. "Our love is forbidden."

"I'm ready to fight for us."

Mark sighed, trying to gain his confidence on saying this line. "I'm sorry."

"Mark we could try!" He looked at Mark but he felt disappointed. "Don't you love me?"

"I love you but-"

"Shadow, there are no buts when it comes to love." He cut him off. He hugged him and put his face closer to Mark. "I promise it would be worth it."

"How would it be worth it if we'll get the same results in whatever we do?" Instead of pushing Jinyoung off him, he moved closer to Jinyoung until there are no gaps between them. They had a good 3 minute heated kiss before pulling away from each other. "But at least we did something, right?"

He felt so right being in being in between the younger's arms. The negative thoughts were all thrown away. All he thinks about is how much he loves the raven. Jinyoung felt the same too.

Trying to look like they did not cry, they both washed their face before going out of the bathroom. Jinyoung thanked the staffs before clinging his arms onto Mark.

"I love it when you act dominant even though you are the pregnant one." Jinyoung joked.

"Shut up." Mark rolled his eyes but immediately smiled when Jinyoung kissed his cheeks.

He felt like they were back in high school. Jinyoung really acts this lovey dovey back in the days. And this was the first time he did it again.

"My baby is blushing, aww." He pinched Mark's cheeks and the older was loving it. No, he was loving the funny face Jinyoung was making.

"You're so cute. You look like a gorilla!" Mark exclaimed.

"How is a gorilla cute? They're so ugly."

"No! The gorillas are cute and you're the ugliest gorilla I've ever seen but you are still a gorilla so..." He said as they were walking. His voice was too loud and people are looking at them as if they're weirdos. (but no one ever beats Jinyoung when it comes to giving those looks)

"I want a gummy gorilla." Mark said, while looking at the candy stall.

"There's no such thing like that." He said, only to receive a disappointed face from Mark.

"Did you call your fiancè here?"

He looked at his back and saw Jisoo in peach pink dress approaching them. "I did not call her, promise. I left my phone in the car." He told Mark.


Mark cut her off by putting his right hand near Jisoo's cheeks. "I'm too tired to slap you. Bash your face against my palm, would ya?"

"Babe, that's rude." Jinyoung said as he put down Mark's hand.

"Ha! You heard that? I'm his babe." Mark was just about to let his tongue put but Jinyoung immediately covered his mouth.

"We have to go." He said to Jisoo.

"Jinyoung-ssi, stop flowering a dead flower." Jisoo said even before Jinyoung could turn on his heels.

"Mark and I aren't over. And I'll make sure not to let anything break us apart again, especially that we have a baby on the way."

I feel bad for making Jisoo an antagonist 😭

Did you see the Will&Grace reference there?

school got me like

school got me like

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