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"I want you to tell me how did he know and how did you know about my baby."

"Am I in the position to answer that question?" Jaebum unknowingly said his thoughts out loud.

"Why did Jackson tell Jinyoung's mind is a mess? Why are his eyes blank? Why is he still in contact with Suzy when she was the reason for our break up? Why did you leave him? You are the only one capable of answering my questions."

Youngjae tugged on Jaebum's shirt and looked at him with pleading eyes. Pleading to tell his best friend the truth. With that, Jaebum sighed.

"Let's talk about it inside." Jaebum said, as he noticed Bambam getting out of his room.

When they got inside, Jaebum immediately talked. "Hyung, wouldn't it be better to keep things this way? Jinyoung not remembering that scene?"

"You are like taking away his life-"

"That memory caused him to almost die!" Both raised their voice but immediately calmed down when Youngjae held their hands. And then Youngjae looked at Mark. "He suffered from great trauma that his mind chose to bury it in the deepest part of his mind."


It was a horrible day for Jinyoung. His parents decided to set him off a marriage purely for business. He does not even know who he is marrying. And the fact that he has to give up everything he loves. Modeling and Mark.

He was a good son for the past years so he thought, why not rebel now?

He hates office works, even though he was doing it since he was in high school. He hates being manipulated.

He was looking at his phone, waiting for the reply of the person he hasn't seen for years. But when he put his head up, he saw his boyfriend and that person kissing.

"How could you do this to me?" Jinyoung angrily said when he got near them. Mark then pushed off the girl and was about to start explaining but Jinyoung raised his left hand, indicating him to shut up. "You disappointed me." He glared at his cousin, Suzy. "You both disappointed me."

He spared Mark a last look before slapping him and taking a cab.

"This is all your fault." Mark spatted at the girl before turning his back on her. He heard the girl shouting for him and saying sorry but he doesn't care. He has to make a plan on getting Jinyoung back.


Mark was waiting for Jinyoung at the rooftop in the condo. He texted him, hoping for the younger to at least read his message and come and meet him.

Although there's a really low chance of Jinyoung meeting up with him, he still took the risk. He doesn't care if he has to wait for hours, what's important is he can tell Jinyoung what he is supposed to tell that day.

He caressed his stomach. "Baby, I know daddy's gonna come soon. Just hold on, hmmm?"

Just as he finished his sentence, the door from the rooftop opened, revealing a very drunk Jinyoung.

"Jinnie!" He called and was about to run to the younger but he stopped him.

"I'm here to officially break up with you." The younger said coldly.

"Y-you c-can't!" Mark said in panic. He grabbed the paper he got from the ob-gyn last week to show Jinyoung he's pregnant. When he got it, he gave it to Jinyoung but the latter ripped the papers.

"These papers, what are they for?" The younger asked before tearing the last piece of paper.


Attention| markjinWhere stories live. Discover now