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"I'm not going to stop drinking until Mark calls and says I can go to his parteeeh!"

Sooyoung sighed and looked at her pathetically in love brother. "Suzy is going here. You might want to look decent in front of our cousin."

"I don't want her, I want Maaaark!" He cried again.

Joy slapped her forehead and sighed. She does not know what to do anymore. She has said every possible persons who are dear to Jinyoung. Jaebum, his bestfriend; Jackson, who just came here yesterday! Yugyeom, Youngjae and Bambam, his fake sons; Jisoo, his closest girl friend; Doyoung, one of the people who he used to model with; and now, Suzy who apparently is their closest cousin.

She does not want to call Mark. He wouldn't be of help anyways.

"I would call mom and dad if you won't stop drinking." She warned. But it did not have any effect on Jinyoung. He still calls for Mark.

"I honestly don't know what to do anymore!" She shouted as she shook her head in disappointment.

"You're tired of me, aren't you?" Jinyoung looked at her eyes while pouting. Joy found it disgusting.

"Why don't you sober yourself up and do your paperworks? Focus on getting the company and throw Mark away from your thoughts. I'm sure in no time, he'd be in love with you again." As much as Joy wanted to not give her brother false hopes, she has to. Maybe it would work. Maybe that would shut her brother up.

"I can't, Joy. Once I get the company, that would mean no more Mark." Then he drank the last shot.

"No, once you get the company, that would be a greater chance to get Mark. Business, ya know."

"They won't make me choose between Mark and the company if that's what they're planning." Jinyoung's eyes are red from crying.

"Right." Joy gave up. "But aren't you tired of fighting for someone who's not fighting for you too? Aren't you tired of making yourself miserable just because of love? And aren't you tired of making people around you sad?"

Joy sighed for the nth time. Jinyoung slept on her. But at least, there is no more crying baby.

Jaebum came just at the right time. Joy really called the people she has mentioned to her brother a while ago and it was only Jaebum who picked up.

"Your guards are so strict." He said while panting.

"I'll talk to them. Oppa, please carry him, second floor, last room." Joy smiled at him evilly.

"Nothing's really changed in ten years. You are still the evil and bratty Sooyoung." Jaebum rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Stay by his side and make up to him. I know you haven't talked since their break up. And tell everyone I'll be back at five." Sooyoung grabbed her bag from the sofa and sprinted out of the house even before Jaebum could say anything.

Jaebum looked at his bestfriend sleeping on the dining table while holding a bottle of tequila. He can also see three bottles scattered on the table. He shook his head. "Wonder how this fucker haven't had alcohol poisoning yet."


Jinyoung woke up at nearly three in the afternoon. His head aches but he can hear someone talking to someone and he is certain that it is his bestfriend who he avoided for almost a year.

"Yeah, yeah. Midnight it is. Bye."

"Hey, Nyoung! You okay?" Jaebum went to assist Jinyoung as soon as he see him waking up.

"Bum, I'm sorry." He cried. Tears started falling from his face. He feels guilty for pushing his friends away. For pushing the people who truly care especially his best friend.

"Sshh. The gang understands you." He patted Jinyoung's head. "I'm sure they'd be really happy if you talk to them again. Especially Yugyeom. Ya know, he missed messing up with his mom." Jaebum chuckled.

"I talked to him and to Jackson yesterday. Nothing changed. Yugyeom's still a baby and Jackson still acts like a three year old child." He tried to laugh but tears really won't stop falling.

"Bum, I'm sorry for avoiding all of you. I thought getting rid of all the things and people involved with Mark would remove the pain in my heart. But you know what, pain's still there. So I decided to follow Mark. I'd cherish the pain while doing something." He admitted.

"I'll support you even if I find that idea stupid." He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, we planned on going to Jackson's vacation house. All of Got7 would be there." He informed Jinyoung.

"But I was planning on making Mark feel that I can live without him! That's my step one! How could you ruin it?" He whined.

"You can show that there though."

Jinyoung raised his hands in the air, slowly folding his arms on chest — right arm over the left. He was also pouting— making Jinyoung look like a brat and making Jaebum cringe. "You're still drunk."

"Hmpf!" Jinyoung said as he repeated the process of folding his arms.

His best friend has no other choice but to go down stairs and make Jinyoung a bowl of chicken noodle soup to ease the younger's hangover.

But that was of no use since they both got drunk. Jinyoung pleaded so hard and even danced for Jaebum. The older one agreed but they're only going to drink a bottle of soju. Jaebum should have seen it coming since Jinyoung is Jinyoung: he gets whatever he wants. They ended up drinking three bottles of Vana Tallinn.

Soon, the van arrived. Jackson saw Jinyoung and Jaebum about to pass out in the bar stool.

Jaebum insisted that he is not that drunk compared to Jinyoung (which was true) so he walked alone and let Jackson carry Jinyoung to the van.

When they arrived, Jaebum got an earful  from his boyfriend, Youngjae, but was nonetheless forgiven. He also insisted on driving and everyone is praying that they will arrive safely at Mark's house.

So short and so lame. Sorry 😭😭😭

 Sorry 😭😭😭

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