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Suzy is here.

Mark couldn't be more happy. The key is finally here.

He can finally free Jinyoung.

But the question is: Is Jinyoung still in love with him?

He realized over the time that it was so stupid of him to just give up. He should have done what Jinyoung did before: being so persistent to let him fight. He should have fought with the younger. He should have made Jinyoung feel that he still loves him.

He should have realized it wasn't selfish to get Jinyoung for himself. Now, he's hurt. Well, he's hurt everytime he sees Jinyoung and Jisoo together, especially when they're kissing.

Jinyoung must have fallen for Jisoo already.

To: evil brat
Where should I meet her?

From: evil brat
I don't know but she asked for your number. She'll probbly call you later.

Mark hopes Suzy won't call now. He feels like he can't meet her. Something is bugging him.

Suddenly, he felt so much pain in his belly. His shout was so loud that Youngjae, who was on his earphones, heard it.

They found the oldest in a fetal position. They asked him but the cramps he was feeling is too painful that he can't even utter a word.

"Shit! You can't labor now. You are just on your seventh month." Jaebum muttered. Yugyeom got his point and immediately called the guards.

Instead of actually meeting Mark, Suzy decided to talk to Jisoo first.

She must clean the mess her uncle made.

"You know what I am doing is for Jinyoung's good, right?"

"No, Jisoo. If you care for my cousin, you should have helped us get him off his father's grip!" Suzy said. She mentally rolled her eyes to keep herself calmed down.

They are currently inside the coffee shop and it is raining hard. They even barely hear each other that's why they make their voices a bit louder.

"What you are doing does not help Jinyoung at all. Did you make his father stop beating him? No. It was me who made him stop." Jisoo looked furious. This was a bit shocking for Suzy since she always see the younger with a calm expression. "You know what? We both have the same feelings. You don't like me for your cousin. And I don't like you for my brother."

"Ha! Too bad Myungsoo is so in love with me." She said in a mocking tone. "I don't want to say this since your brother told me not to hurt your feelings that much but I can't control myself. You are so pathetic for forcing to get the love you don't deserve. You are so pathetic because Jinyoung and Mark and their baby deserve a happy life, a complete family but here you are, destroying it."

Jisoo did not say anything. She kept her face blank.

"Do you call cheating a form of love?" Suzy asked. Shock is only an understatement to what Jisoo felt. "If you really love Jinyoung, you should have waited for him to love you back. But what did you do? You cheated. With whom? Doyoung, right? Do you know who Doyoung is to Jinyoung? For Pete's sake, that is his friend!"

Suzy stopped when her phone rang. It was Sooyoung.

"Eonni, Mark oppa is rushed to the hospital. Please tell Jinyoung oppa to come to the hospital!"

"Are you in Yi-En Tuan Hospital?"

"Yes. Please hurry!"

Suzy dropped the call immediately and called Jinyoung. Jisoo heard this so she ran outside, not caring about the heavy rain.

Attention| markjinWhere stories live. Discover now