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After that day, the two kept seeing each other secretly. Jinyoung would escape from their house while Mark would be meeting him at the park. Then the both would go to the apartment.

Jinyoung was smiling widely as he run, for he remembers what Mark has told him that night.

"Jinyoung, top me."

It wasn't the first time that he topped. It was the second time. Seeing the older below him, is a nice sight indeed.

And that night happened again. Like twice already this month.

"Ready for the party?" Mark asked and Jinyoung was in awe. Mark was just wearing a simple white tee and tight leather pants but he looked like a model. His eye makeup added to Mark's beauty too. "Babe?"

"Uh, yeah!" Jinyoung put his arms around the older's elbow. "But what if my parents have spies? Can't we just stay in the apartment?"

The older cupped the younger's face. "Babe, I will fight for you no matter what." He gave him a reassuring smile. "And we'll go straight to my room."

In fact, Mark has planned this all. He can't let anyone destroy this night.

Disco lights, loud music, and wasted people greeted them when they got to Mark's house. When Wendy noticed them, she immediately ran to them. "Jisoo is here."

"Does she know?" Jinyoung turned to Mark. "About us? Yeah. She's my closest girl friend." Mark smiled at Wendy.

"Guys, Jisoo is approaching us."

The two males turned to Jisoo who is now a little bit wasted. "Jinyoung oppa!" The female shouted. Jinyoung instantly let go of Mark's hand and that broke the older's heart. "Hi Mark-ssi, Wendy-ssi." The other two just smiled at her.

"Why are you here, Jisoo?" Jinyoung asked.

"Why not? Mark-ssi holds the best party!" Jisoo smiled widely.

"Thank you. And congratulations to your upcoming marriage." Mark tried his best for his voice not to be shaky. He turned his back on them and went straight to the bar counter. Wendy followed him.

Wendy slapped his arms away when he was about to get a drink. "Stupid! Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Mark asked as if he really didn't know what happened.

"Why did you greet them for their upcoming marriage. You should stop it!" Mark smiled mischievously. "Why are you so genius, Wan-ah?"

"Damn hormones." Wendy did a side comment about Mark's fast changing emotions.

"Are you cursing at me?" The male looked at the female with glossy eyes. "I hate you if you hate me!" Mark stomped away from the female and he earned a deep sigh from her.

As he was approaching the other side of the room, a voice called. "Mark-ssi!" Jisoo came running to him. "I need to talk to you privately."

Seeing Jisoo smile made Mark guilty. Guilty that he is going to ruin a such pure personality. Little did he know he'd hate her more later.

They stopped at a corner where music and screams are faintly heard. "You love Jinyoung-ssi, right?" Mark does not see an angelic Jisoo anymore. What she sees is a bitch. (Please don't hate. I really need to do this for the plot.)

"I love him more than anything and more than anyone in this world." He answered.

"Then leave him." Jisoo crossed her arms. "Alone." She said in a more bitchy tone.

"I love him so much that I can't let go. I won't leave him. Never."

"Why are you so selfish?" Jisoo rolled her eyes.

"Why are you so pathetic? Why are you asking me to leave him? Shouldn't you make him fall for you? That would be square." Mark challenged.

"Do you think Jinyoung-ssi will hold on to your love? He is a very kind person. He thinks of other people before his own happiness." She leaned in. "You don't know how dirty Mr. Park works."

"He can't touch our business. We're still higher than him." Mark smirked.

"That was already taken in to consideration, but he can use Jinyoung's other weaknesses: Sooyoung and Suzy." The other said with equally bitchy tone. "Do you still think he will hold on to you?"

"Mark-ssi, Mr. Park wanted to have grand children from Jinyoung that's why he does not approve of your relationship. And that's why he did break Jinyoung and Jaebum apart before. Sure you can be pregnant with the help of technology and mother nature but will you survive? Will the baby survive?" She paused. "I am not being selfish. I am just protecting all of you from your horrible future... if you continue being in a relationship with him." She smirked before continuing her sentence. "Stay away from him. He's not yours."

"Really? Is he still yours if he wanted me so bad?" (i was actually listening to pacify her while writing this)

"Jisoo-ah! Mark hyung!" They heard a voice from behind. It was Jinyoung.

"You are so fun to talk to Mark-ssi. Anyways, me and my fiancé have to go. We don't want to be caught escaping the house just to go to a party."

Mark hid his balled fist at his back. "Okay, take care." Mark smiled fakely at them before walking past them.

"Wendy I'm so fucked up." He approached the female.

"Wanna talk about it?" Mark gave her the 'duh' look. "I mean maybe you just wanted to tell me you're fucked up but you don't actually want to tell me the reason."

"Let's not talk about it here." Mark suggested and Wendy immediately agreed.

"Taetae baby, remember you still have to drive me home." Wendy reminded her boyfriend who is currently sitting behind them. Taehyung just nodded. It was something normal for him. He knew what Mark has gone through and it's usually Wendy who comforted the older so he was okay with that.

When the two got into a place much peaceful, Mark talked. "Do you think he will like my baby?" He asked her.

"You haven't told him yet? Idiot!" She smacked Mark's head lightly. "Mark, if he does not like it, then he does not like it. All you have to do is deal with it and live with it." She crossed her legs as soon as she sat on the chair. "I don't see any reason why he wouldn't like it. I mean, you love each other, right?" She asked.

"But he's getting married." He lowered his head.

"Okay, I get it. You are actually hoping you'll be the mistress? Uh, is that even the right term?" She paused for a while. "So back to the topic, why would you let yourself be the other lover?" She mentally face palmed herself.

"And if we continue our relationship, his sister and his cousin are at stake."

Wendy looked at Mark's eyes and at an instant, she already knew what Mark meant.

"And I doubt if we'll survive," he paused to look at his tummy. "Me and my baby."

Wendy held Mark's hand. "We're friends for a reason. Me and Taehyung will be here to assist you in your pregnancy and I'm sure your Got5 will be there too. So don't worry if Jinyoung decided to not hold on to your relationship."

A/N: Ayo ladies and gentlemen! Tomorrow's our first day of classes but I'll make sure to update regularly. Like every four days or every Saturday, idk.

Thank you guys for 2k+ reads and 180+ votes and for bringing attention to rank 925 in Fanfiction

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Thank you guys for 2k+ reads and 180+ votes and for bringing attention to rank 925 in Fanfiction. I never expected this actually.

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