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The bride now enters. Jinyoung tried everything to fall out of love of Mark to be able to give his heart to the person his parents want him to be with. But he really only see Jisoo as a little sister.

He feels bad for the female. He feels bad because he can't return her feelings. He feels bad because he is still in love with Mark. He feels bad because he knows that would hurt her.

Jinyoung feels nothing right now. He can't even be a bit happy because none of his best friends went to his wedding. He blames it all to his parents but there's nothing else he could do.

The bride was near to them and he was preparing himself but he was surprised. I thought Jisoo is my bride? Why is Suzy here?

Suzy smiled at him but the female gave her hand to the person next to him, Jisoo's brother, Myungsoo.

I thought they're over? Myungsoo said that just a month ago.

“Dude, save your thanks later.” The older male patted his back.

“2 pm. You have to go to the airport earlier than two pm or you'll lose him and your baby forever.” Suzy smiled at him. He muttered a silent thank you.

He looked at his father who is beside Suzy. “Go son. You deserve Mark. You both deserve each other.”

That alone made Jinyoung shed a tear. He said 'thank you' to his father loudly before exiting the church. It may have caused a little commotion, nevertheless Suzy and Myungsoo's wedding still continued.

He only got two hours before losing the man he loves the most so he drove fast to prevent it. While driving, he called his best friend.

"IM FUCKING JAEBUM ARE YOU WITH MARK?" The younger shouted as soon as Jaebum answered the call.

"Yah Jinyoung! Don't call me when you're driving! Just get your ass here."

"But tell me what is he doing now. Or let me talk to him."

"He's having a heart to heart talk with Yugyeom, Youngjae and Bambam. Bye." Jaebum ended the call.

What Jinyoung didn't know is that the Got6 including Jisoo are having a good time at the airport.

"Are you really leaving for good?" Mark asked for the nth time. Mark still looks so fragile and you might think that a little touch would hurt or break him.

"Do you want me to stay and steal Jinyoung away from you again?" Jisoo jokingly said. "Just take care of Jinyoung and your baby. And visit me in Seoul too!"

"I'll see." Mark said sadly.

Just a month ago, Jisoo was involved in an accident. Myungsoo got angry and said he'll break up with Suzy but it only took him a few minutes to cool his head.

Just a month ago, Jisoo told her parents to just let Suzy and Myungsoo marry each other.

Just a month ago, Suzy convinced her uncle to give her what is really hers — and that was the hotel and restaurant.

Just a month ago, Jisoo learned to let Jinyoung go. She learned how to move on in life.

Jisoo's phone rang so she answered if. "Jisoo how dare you leave me?!" A crying Sooyoung called. The wedding has not yet ended, she knows, because she can hear her brother's voice, vowing to the girl he loves.

She smiled bitterly. "Lol. We can always facetime each other or I can visit you there next year." She said, trying not to cry. She has been so close to Sooyoung, she has been emotionally attached to her.

"Did you just say lol? I hate you." The other replied. "I swear I will go to Korea and kill you if you don't call me even just for a day."

"I'm scared. Anyways, I have to hang up. Pretty sure your brother will come soon."

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