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"You know whatever you do, you'd still end up marrying the Kim's daughter." He heard his father's stern voice from behind.

"You know whatever you do, I won't give my heart to Jisoo, right?" He answered back. His father let out a loud sarcastic laugh.

"Do you think love is the foundation of marriage and family?" The older Park held the younger's chin to make the younger face him. "Love is nothing but a fan-"

"A fantasy? Ha! That must be the reason why you want me to marry Jisoo. Because you think I am you and Jisoo is Mrs. Kim. Love is indeed a fantasy!"

Jinyoung already expected his father to slap him or to punch him. And that is exactly what happened. What he did not expect is to be dragged by their guards and to be locked on the discipline room.

It was a dark and small room. It is suffocating. There were no chairs, there is literally nothing. This is exactly the same as the discipline room in their house in Korea.

This reminded him the moment he was harshly beaten by his father. The very first time was when Joy broke their vase and his father blamed it on him. The beating lasted for almost a day.

From that day onwards, he hated his parents. He hated his father for wrongly accusing him and for beating him like Jinyoung was not his son. He hated his mother for not doing anything. He hated her for not stopping the abusive man.

Sooyoung was his only reason why he stayed at that house until he was grade 8. Sooyoung decided to go with their aunt in San Fransisco and Jinyoung decided to just board on their school's dormitory.

His parents did not even care. All they care about is Jinyoung getting the highest grade.

There was one time when Jaebum had a higher grade in History. Of course, Jinyoung was dragged back to their house— to the discipline room and was beaten badly. He was not able to go to school for a month but when he got back, he did not even give any excuse letters. Perks of being the son of the owner of the school.

He suddenly heard a loud bang from the door and he was sure it's his father. Father. Does he even deserve being called one?

When Jinyoung saw the whip his father was holding, he tensed up. Who wouldn't?

The guards made him stand up, and then they tied his hands over his head.

He felt like a prisoner.

The first whip was hard enough to make Jinyoung let out a scream. It was on his hands, and that marked.

He tried to look at his father but he can't see any emotions other than disgust and anger.

The other guards were just looking at him pathetically. They wanted to protect the younger Park since he has been so nice to them, but their boss was the older Park.

All the bad memories came back to him as the whipping continues. His breathing was ragged, his skin was marked with so many wounds and bruises, his eyes are shut tightly, he felt weaker than he already is.

"That will happen to you if you don't abide to my rules, Sooyoung."

That particular name was enough to make Jinyoung raise his head. He gained all his remaining strength to remove himself from being tied but ended up failing.

"Dammit! You have no right to do that to my sister!" He shouted. One of the guards unwillingly punched him in the stomach.

"Breakup with Yook or I'll beat you like what I did to your pathetic brother."

Sooyoung's tears were already falling but she managed to shout at his father. "This must be the reason why Suzy eonni won't come back here. And this must be the reason why mother won't stand up-" She was slapped hard even before she could finish her sentence.

"Dammit! Don't hurt her! Please don't hurt everyone I love!" Jinyoung shouted while kicking the air. His voice was already cracking but he didn't care. "I will do everything, just don't hurt them." He said hoarsely. "Don't make the two break up. They really love each other." I love Mark too but this is the only way to protect them.

His father smirked. "Good then! Next week we'll meet the Kims again. I expect you to be there."

When his father went out of that room, his knees went weak. He wanted to just drop down on the floor but he can't since his hands were tied.

"Get out! Get out of this room you shitty guards!" Sooyoung cursed them. The guards can't do anything but to obey.

She loosened the tie from his brother's hand. "You're an idiot! How dare you give up?"

Instead of answering, the male just smiled.

"Oppa, you have done everything for me since we were young. It's time for me to protect you."

"There's no need for you to do something. Mark wanted this too." What he just said hurt his heart. He realized the real reason why Mark was pushing him away before. Everyone will be hurt.

Maybe my heart is enough to make everyone happy. It's time for me to stop being so selfish.

"What?! But you have a baby on the way? And you love each other. Why would the both of you give up? How the hell would he want this?!" Sooyoung angrily said.

"I never told you that!" Jinyoung said shocked.

"Jisoo told me so."

Jisoo? Why would she tell that?

we got that power power 🎶🎶🎶 wtf am i doing?

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