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"Baby, wake up."

It's their last day in Jackson's vacation house and so, they decided to grant his wish- to have a campfire.

"I don't want." Jinyoung wrapped the blanket more on his body.

He knew Jinyoung was upset at him for not buying ice cream. Heck! It would be a looooong drive to the city. He promised to buy him ice cream when they go back to Nevada but Jinyoung was being a brat.

And as far as he know, he was the one capable of being pregnant, not Jinyoung. And it has only been hours since they did 'that' again.

"I promise to buy you ice cream for a month." He said in a whiny voice, and while trying to remove the blanket off of the younger.

"I am still sleepy and my back hurts."

"Really? Your back hurts?" Mark said in a naughty tone. Instead of actually touching the younger's back, he grabbed the 'peach'.

"Yah!" The younger cried while the older was trying to suppress his laugh. "Do you want them to see me limping?!"

"Oh, I would be happy. At least they know you are mine!"

Jinyoung rolled his eyes at Mark's immaturity but somehow feels flustered. "I'm still mad at you tho." He said as he gets up but he suddenly winces in pain.

"Should I massage you?" Mark suggested.

"My back, please." The raven then touched his own back.

"No, your peach." Mark was about to grab the younger's peach but he immediately stood up.

"I'd rather let them see me limping than you fucking me senseless again." He used the blanket as his shield.

"Ah, Mark harder!" He mocked Jinyoung and so, he received a smack on his forehead.

"Stop teasing me and carry-"

"We'll play hard games later, so I guess it's better if you'll be massaged." Mark gently pulled Jinyoung down. "I won't do anything without your permission, babe."

Jinyoung was convinced so he got out of his shirt and pants.

"Hey, w-why the p-pants?" Mark was surprised.

"Massage my legs too." Jinyoung rolled his eyes before lying on his stomach.

Mark said yes. As he was massaging the younger, they were talking too.

"How was your life when we broke up?" Mark asked.

"Sad though I really don't remember most of it. Jaebum told me I was overdosing my self with sleeping pills and alcohol and that he found me lying in the tub full of water too. In the morning, I am a model and then I spend two hours of my afternoon with my psychiatrist. But it was a bit weird since his other patients only visit him once or twice a month."

Mark wanted to say Jinyoung was diagnosed to great trauma but he can't risk the younger having another panic attack. "I'm sorry, I was the reason for that."

"No, you weren't. You weren't exactly the reason." He said, the last sentence unheard due to Yugyeom and Bambam's loud knocks and loud voices.

"Yes, we're coming and no, you can't come in!" Mark said as he help Jinyoung dress himself.

(don't fite me. i'm going to put a jackbam moment here)

That night it rained so hard and so, the campfire was called off. Jackson was a bit upset of course but he became okay later as Bambam invited everyone to a movie marathon.

Youngjae slept first because he can't take watching a gore movie. Mark was next because he has watched all the seasons of Final Destination. Until everyone was knocked off due to the extreme brightness of the television except for two, Bambam and Jackson.

The two had a thing for each other but they were both cowards. Bambam was afraid of getting hurt because Jackson is quite popular while the other was scared to confess his love because he thought the two maknaes are already falling for each other.

And that's why until now, they remain as friends. They remain hiding their feelings for each other. They remain single.

"Should we carry them to their rooms?" Jackson first spoke.

"Just let them be hyung." Bambam answered, deeply sighing after as he was contemplating whether or not he should tell the older his feelings.

He remembered what Yugyeom told him. "Bam, I'm your best friend and I know whether or not you're in love. It would be better to tell him before it's too late."

"Him? How did you know it's a him?" He was shocked.

"Because I'm your best friend? Your soul brother? And because I have an access to your diary?" The younger said in duh tone.

"Can we talk somewhere? Like in the kitchen?" Bambam said, trying not to stutter. Jackson eagerly nodded and lead the both of them in the kitchen.

"Do you like something? Jjigae? Ram-"

"I love you Jackson!" He cut off the older. He tried to make an eye contact with him but failed.

"I love you too, Bamie!" The older said in brotherly tone because he can't risk his heart. "Now, do you want-"

"At first you were annoying. You always don't give me chance to talk. I hated you for that. I always wanted to stitch your mouth but guess what? I had a crush on you. I tried to throw it away but I fell deeper. There's no need for you to catch me. I just needed to blurt all these out because-"

He was stopped with a smack on his plump lips. Then the older looked at him in the eyes. "I always thought you and Yugyeom are a thing." He then again attacked Bambam's lips. He showed him all his love for the younger cause after all, action speaks louder than words.

tysm guys for 1k. i never imagined this story to reach this high :))

there are only two weeks before school and i'm not excited because me and my best friends aren't classmates :(

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there are only two weeks before school and i'm not excited because me and my best friends aren't classmates :(

i kinda want to play this. please ask me at least 5(?) questions coz i don't want to look stupid. i'm gonna answer them on the next chapter

 i'm gonna answer them on the next chapter

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