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It was only Mark and Jinyoung who are left in the car. They decided to drive the others to their homes first.

When they reached Jinyoung's house, the younger immediately tensed up. There were cars entering their house.

"My parents can't be here." The younger said. Mark understood it so he held his hands. "We would be through this together." Mark gave the younger a reassuring smile before parking the car somewhere near the younger's house.

They got in the gate and the guards gave the couple an apologetic look.

He looked around and saw some unfamiliar cars. These must be the cars of my future in-laws. He was disgusted by that idea.

Mark was still holding his hands when they got in the house. There sat Jinyoung's family including Suzy and another family who he supposed is Jisoo's family.

Jinyoung held Mark's hands tighter. "Hi! I want you all to meet my boyfriend, Mark Tuan."

"Park Jinyoung this is unbelievable!" His father shouted. He knew how much of a homophobe his father is.

"Are you talking about me or are talking about yourself?" He talked back. Mark pulled him closer, trying to get the younger to his senses. "I just can't marry someone I don't love!" He spat. He looked at Jisoo apologetically. He only sees Jisoo as a friend, nothing more.

"Have some respect, we have guests." His mother intruded. Joy and Suzy just looked away.

"Oh, hi there! Is this the kind of guy you wanted for your precious daughter?" He said sarcastically. His father was fuming red and was about to shout again but Suzy held his hands and told him she got this.

She dragged the couple away from the scene. "Guys, just trust me. You two can continue your love story secretly because Jinyoung has to fake it with the Kims. Please just bear with the situation for now."

"Suzy, we just came back together." Jinyoung whined.

"I know. But you have to deal with it for the mean time while I'm working on it."

Mark pitied Suzy so much. It wasn't her entire fault why Jinyoung and him broke up. She does not have to do this.

"Mark-ssi, please go home. And Jinyoung, please control your temper."

When Mark arrived home, all their maids were in line so he instantly knew that his parent are around. He went immediately to the family meeting room and was greeted with smiling faces.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" He greeted them.

"Son, let me get this straight to the point. I want to pass our business now to you." His father smiled.

"You're not going to marry me off to someone, right?" He asked them.

"Come here." His father ordered and then he held his hands. "Are you back with Jinyoung?"

Mark nodded. "But his family wanted to marry him off to someone so were gonna keep it secretly."

"I really find that stupid." His mother chuckled. "Marriage isn't a business."

"'For better or for worse' is a wedding vow, it's not a business vow." His father continued.

"That is why I love the both of you!" Mark hugged both of his parents. They stayed like that for a minute.

"Son as much as we want to stop their marriage, we just can't." His mother said.

"It's okay mom. Your moral support is enough." He smiled at his mom who is in the brink of crying.

A week after that encounter, someone texted Mark to meet Jinyoung in the park. When he asked who the sender is, she said she was Suzy.

While jogging to the park, Mark was thinking of ways on how to stop Jisoo and Jinyoung's upcoming message. When he got to the park, an idea popped out on his mind. A really stupid but interesting idea. What's more stupid is that he shouted his idea while approaching Jinyoung.


The people in the park looked at their direction. Parents and nannies were covering their children's ears. Some were gossiping. But most are sending them disgusting looks.

Both of them blushed so Jinyoung took Mark's hand and ran away to the place Suzy prepared for them.

When they opened the door of a certain apartment, their jaws dropped.

"Romantic, isn't it?" Suzy asked. "When you come out, I should already be an auntie, huh!" She said before running outside.

The room was designed as if it was a baby's room. The walls are painted pastel blue. There are bunches of stuff toys and car toys. There's also a set of pacifier on the right side of the room.

But there's one thing that's odd.

The big baby bed.

But this is a perfect room for Albrecht. Mark thought.

"We're both male, how can we make a baby?" Mark choked on his saliva. "Hey, is there something wrong?" Jinyoung asked, concern is obvious in his tone.

"Yeah, yeah." The older answered when he recovered, but his face is still in crimson red.

"Tell the truth or I'm leaving now." Jinyoung warned and that's when tears started to fall from Mark's eyes.

Why is she so cruel?

"Mark, I didn't mean to make you cry. Please stop crying."

Mark didn't want Jinyoung to remember that memory because he loves him so much. He loves him so much that he didn't want the younger to be hurt and to be haunted by that memory. So he just cried until he felt tired. Until he fell asleep on the arms of the confused younger.

Jinyoung tucked Mark to bed. He made sure to lock the door because he does not want anyone or anything to disturb this precious moment.

The moment he saw the older cried, he already made up his mind. He's going to find out everything he missed. He's going to fight for their love no matter what.

a/n: maybe 25 or less chapters will do right? i haven't written chapter 16 but i already have the epilogue.

snippet snippet 😂 have a nice day guys

snippet snippet 😂 have a nice day guys

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