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It has been an hour since the party started. Tonight, it's a pool party.

Everyone's busy being sexy. Busy impressing others. Busy eye fucking others. Busy being drunk. People are actually enjoying.

Except for one.


It's because he did not see Jinyoung.

"Sooyoung!" He called her. Joy went to him? "Where is your brother?" He asked.

"Wanna embarrass him again? Not on my watch." Joy answered. She is about to turn her back but the older spoke.

"Jinyoung loves party crashing."

Joy looked at him. "But Jinyoung loves hanging out with friends more than party crashing." She said as she gets a glass of wine served by Mark's maids.

"Who is he with?" He asked.

"You care?" Joy said as if she was shocked. "He's with Jisoo," she paused."They're cute. And I want her for my brother. My brother seems to like her too!" She giggled but stopped. "I only know a little about your relationshit with my brother but I just want to tell you to just forgive him."

"Forgive him? You think that's easy?" Mark hissed.

"You think it's easy for my brother too? Asking for forgiveness? Hell, he doesn't even know what's his reason for apologizing!" She rolled her eyes. "If you don't want him back, at least let him know and feel he's forgiven. He can't enter into another relationship if there are some unsolved matters between him and his past lover." She sighed. "At least give him something that would equal to his sacrifices." With that, Joy turned her back on him.

Mark was confused? Sacrifices?

"I won't let him enter into another relationship." He said, and it was audible for Joy so she faced him again.

"I can't see any reason why my brother would like you. You are a sadist and you're so selfish." She walked towards him. "My brother is at the parking lot waiting for me. He's not really with Jisoo. I asked him to go here with me, but he refused because he was thinking of you... of what you said and of what you liked." Sooyoung raised her eyebrow and clenched her fists, trying not to cause any trouble. "Wendy! I'm going home!" She shouted. Wendy was just at the other table talking with Rosè.

"Already? It's just 9."

"I think I'm already done annoying someone." Joy shrugged then walked past Mark, making sure she hit him. He saw the young girl waving her hands to her friends and to her boyfriend.

He immediately ran to the elevator and went to the rooftop to see where Jinyoung's car was parked.

After some seconds, he saw Joy waving for the last time at Sungjae whilst Jinyoung is opening the door for her little sister.

How did he see? He's using binoculars.

"Same old you."

Mark then looked at the person who is talking.

"Dude, shut the fuck up!" He hissed then threw away the binoculars.

"Ouch. How can you say that to your bestfriend?" Jackson threw his jacket on the sofa then sat. He crossed his legs. "Come here."

Mark sat beside Jackson unwillingly. He knows he's gonna give him some love advices and he's sick of it.

Other than Wendy and Taehyung, Jackson also knows his secret and since it's a serious matter, the known loquacious guy kept his mouth shut.

"Dude, I understand your pain. I have been with you ever since and you must know that I love you but I think you should make up with Jinyoung."

Mark raised his eyebrow at Jackson and was about to speak but the younger cut him off. "I never bring the gang out, but I guess I have to. Do you know what l Youngjae, Bambam, and Yugyeom feel? They have lost their 'adopted mom' when you two broke up. They were all sad especially Yugyeom because you are his adopted father and his theoretical family broke up. Do you know how hard it is on our part when Jinyoung won't talk to us? Do you know how hard it is for Jaebum hyung to be just walked passed by his best friend? And do you know how hard it is on my part because he won't nag me about not inviting him over a meat party? I kinda missed it. And do you know how sad we are whenever we see you hook up with others even though we know you are still in love with Jinyoung?" Jackson said nonstop. He can see Jackson's sincerity in every word he says because he looks sad.

But Mark shook it all off. "You can call me a cold hearted jerk cause I don't care." Mark stood up to leave the room but Jackson spoke.

"Do you know how happy Yugyeom was when Jinyoung finally talked to him?" That made Mark stop from his tracks.

"We never brought the topic up but we all saw what's in the folder."

When he went to America, it was Yugyeom who firstly spoke to him. They were talking through facetime until the younger decided to move with him. He saw how hurt he was.

But he shook it all off. "Are you doing this because Jinyoung asked you to do so?"

Jackson was shocked. Not because it was true (except for the folder part because the younger knows nothing about it) but because he did not expect Mark to act like this.

"I'm not saying you should get back with him- or forgive him. At least find peace. Reconcile. And stop being stupid." Jackson said coldly. He got his jacket and walked pass Mark.

Mark knew it was gaslighting at its finest. He wants to point that out but then, he also realized how much has changed in the gang ever since their breakup.

Was it his fault for keeping his friends to himself?

No MarkJin for today eh?

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