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The five other boys facepalmed themselves. They did not expect the two to give up that easily. To be just friends.

How can they be just friend when they have a baby on the way?

"Jinyoung told me he's gonna do everything to be with Mark. He even shared his stupid idea to me and now he's gonna give that all up?" Jaebum gritted his teeth and clenched his fists but Youngjae was quick enough to calm his boyfriend.

"They both agreed to that. We can't do anything but to support them." Jackson said and he sighed. It was obvious that he didn't like that idea.

"Where is my Mark? How's my baby?" Mark's mother was shouting and running in the hallway. The five boys greeted the woman.

"The doctor told us he was fine. And he is talking with Jinyoung right now." Jaebum was the one who answered.

"Auntie please tell them not to break up! A baby is on the way." Yugyeom cried out but the woman shook her head. "I'm sorry dear. Mark told me not to be involved in their relationship."

"Let's not be involved if that's what they want." Jaebum said. The others disagreed but later on found out they can't do anything about it.

After two days, Mark was released from the hospital. The doctor recommended they should not stress Mark that's why there are no more parties in Tuan's residence.

The hospital, which was supposed to be handled by Mark, is still handled by his parents, including all other businesses they have. Jackson will manage Mark's own bar for the mean time.

And Jinyoung— even though he can't stay at Mark's place, he still did everything not to stress the older. He'll always be awake especially on midnights because Mark might call him and let him cook again. He also managed to convince his parents to agree on this setup by saying he'll marry Jisoo no matter what. Of course, he managed to make Suzy free from being grounded.

Suzy was now staying at his boyfriend's place. The only thing is that no one knows who her boyfriend is and where his boyfriend lives.

But now, he knows who that person is.

Kim Myungsoo. Jisoo's older brother. He caught the two holding hands and happily strolling in the mall. They even shared some eskimo kisses and went to a fancy restaurant.

He was happy for his cousin because she was showered with love. But something makes him uncomfortable with the relationship Suzy is into. Something feels fishy.

But he decided to let it go.

"If you don't want to accompany me in buying my baby's clothes, just tell me and leave!" Mark let go of Jinyoung's hand and went straight to the baby botique. Jinyoung just sighed and followed the older to the botique.

"I should have just asked Jaebum or Yugyeom or Jackson or Bambam or Youngjae to accompany me!" Jinyoung heard Mark throwing tantrums at the opposite aisle. He decided not to show himself to the older in order for him not to stress the blonde.

It must still be too early for them to shop things for their baby but he does not care as long as it makes Mark happy.

Mark is now holding a pastel blue frogsuit and is smiling widely. Jinyoung can't control the urge to go where Mark is and hug him.

Even though neither of them really wanted to end the moment, it has to stop. "You are not my boyfriend so stop holding me like that." Mark said.

"Oh right." Disappointment can be heard through Jinyoung's voice.

"You know what, let's just eat. I'm hungry." Mark lead the way out of the botique.

Jinyoung immediately held Mark's hand to keep him away from the fancy restaurant. "No, not there."

Mark raised his eyebrow. "I don't care if you don't want to eat there. I will eat there."

"I will cook food for you."

Instead of giving in to Jinyoung, Mark walked straight to the restaurant. And straight to where Suzy and her boyfriend were. "So is this the reason why you don't want to eat here?" Mark crossed his arms and Jinyoung just scratched the back of his neck.

"Would you like to take a seat, Mr. Tuan and Mr. Park?" Myungsoo offered.

"Oh, I would love to Mr. Kim." Mark plopped himself to the chair beside Myungsoo while Jinyoung sat beside Suzy. He sent an apologetic message through sign language.

"I didn't know you two knew each other." Suzy said with a beaming smile.

"Who wouldn't know architect Kim anyways?" Mark answered. "He was the one who designed my bar."

"Oh." Suzy said in amazement. Meanwhile, Jinyoung was silent. He thought it would be for the best. "You seemed to be too moody. One minute you're happy, the second you're serious. Are you pregnant?" Suzy asked which caused Jinyoung, who was currently drinking water, to choke.

"That seems to be impossible, babe." Myungsoo butted in. Of course he was the only one in the table who didn't knew about Mark's condition and the past. "But you two are together, right?"

Mark and Jinyoung both did not answer so Myungsoo just assumed they both meant yes. "Great, because honestly, I don't want Jinyoung for my sister."

"You have a sister?" Mark was shocked. Myungsoo never did mention that. Internet never did mention Myungsoo was the older Kim.

"Yes. I don't want Jinyoung for Jisoo."

A/N: what is this crap?

A/N: what is this crap?

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