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Mark got home soaking wet from the rain. The guards went to him with umbrella but he didn't care to shout at them. He just asked them who's at home.

"There is someone who wants to see you. She said she's the sister of your boyfriend, sir so we let her in. The head mistress is with her, though." The head guard said.

They opened the door for him and the nannies immediately covered him with towel. "I can take care of myself and tell Sooyoung I'll talk to her in an hour."

He went upstairs almost tripping down. The nannies wanted to help him go up but the head mistress told them not to. She practically raised Mark so she knows how to deal with him.

After having a warm shower and changing into his pajamas, he went down to see Sooyoung. He readies himself for what Sooyoung might say. And that is probably making him stay away from Jinyoung.

It's not like he is not expecting her to shoo him away. In fact, he made up his mind. He is letting Jinyoung go.

He loves him but everyone would be hurt if they fight for their feelings. He has said this to Jinyoung before but he didn't know why he agreed on being back together with the younger.

"Do you want something to eat or drink, Yi En?" The mistress asked. He just shook his head. "Okay, I'll just leave the two of you here."

"My brother is such a coward." Sooyoung said as soon as the mistress got out of their sight. "Please be with him. Jisoo does bot deserve him." She said.

"You wouldn't be here waiting for hours if that's all you want to say." He said, crossing his arms in the process.

"Jisoo is my best friend. She's such a good person and she deserves all the love. Clearly, my brother can't give that to her." She cleared her throat when her voice cracked. "I hate feeling inferior but this is all I can do." She went down on her knees which caught him off guard. "Please get us out of our father's grip. I can get out of his grip by marrying my boyfriend even without his permission but my brother... please help him out. He is being beaten badly whenever he does something against our family."

He helped her stand but she refused. "I won't get up until you agree helping my brother."

"Sooyoung, we both have given up but I can still get the both of you out of your father's mess." He said. "You don't want me to hurt your best friend, right?"

"She'll be more hurt if she continues her stupidity. He can't unlove you. And you have a baby on the way."

"I will help but secretly."

Sooyoung showered him with "thank you" and hugs. "Take care of my nephew."

"I still don't know if it's a she or a he though." Mark chuckled.

"So? I feel like it would be a boy. If it's not, then I will tell Suzy to make one." She joked. "By the way, do you know where she is?"

"I don't know if I should say this." He said. "But we saw her with Jisoo's brother in the resraurant."

"Jisoos! Something's up to her sleeves."


For months, Mark has been researching for things about the Park's business. Sure he found a lot of things but there is nothing he can find to make the marriage stop.

He wanted to ask Suzy but the girl was out of reach. And he doubts if he can trust her. She's secretive.

He also tried to track architect Kim but he failed.

He was stressed and he knows this is bad especially for the baby. He is already on his sixth month. The cramps became worse and he craves for sleep. His parents and the Got5 were there for him too.

"Ayo Mark? Have you decided to name the baby Jackson? Cause it screams hotness, sexiness and handsomeness!" The younger said as he banged the door.

"I'm sorry they just went in. But I guess that's what best friends are for." Wendy popped out of nowhere with vanilla ice cream in her arms.

"Wendy, I told you not to eat ice cream all the time!" Mark shouted but Wendy just stucked her tongue out.

"Says the one who eats soggy fruit loops until now." Jaebum said while rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, Jaebum." He said, playfully rolling his eyes. For the past months, they've gotten much closer. They have been going on trips, with Jinyoung of course since he is still a part of their group. It's just that he is always with Jisoo and Mark is always tagging Taehyung and Wendy with him to avoid the younger.

They smile when they see each other. They were friends and that is something they don't want to lose. They talk but not about their past relationship and their little one in Mark's tummy.

"Speaking of fruit loops." Jackson said with unamused tone. He just saw Jinyoung and Jisoo entering the room. He always thought Jisoo was copying Mark. As if that could get Jinyoung fall in love with her. Pathetic.

Jackson wasn't usually like this. He does not make people around him feel they are outcasted. But with Jisoo, it was different. They were talking about the person who caused his best friends so much hurt. He had never seen the Mark cry that much. He had never seen Jinyoung act like that.

He never hated Suzy before even though she was the cause of break up. He knew what Suzy did is not on purpose. She was just joking around but that still caused a huge problem.

He hated Jinyoung too. But not as much as he did to Jisoo. He knows the younger was just trying to protect everyone. But that was still stupid.

"Hi guys!" Jisoo the waved at them.

"Why are you even here?" Jackson sassed.

Jinyoung and Jisoo were already used to Jackson sassying whenever they arrive. Jinyoung knew Jisoo was hurt so he tried to sass too to at least make Jackson look like he was just joking. But over the time, Jisoo realized it wasn't a joke. They really never wanted her.

"Because she's here, Jackson. Do't be rude to your friend's, " Wendy paused, looking at Mark as if asking permission if she can say the word. "Fiancè."

"Yeah, right."

"But why are you all here? I only asked for my fruit loops." Mark said, trying to divert the topic.

"To make sure you also eat the salad we made." Bambam said. He earned a glare from the older since he did not use honorifics at all. "You can't eat fruit loops everyday. My fairy-god son needs nutrients too, hyung." He said, stressing the words nutrients and hyung.

"And you can't always be on your laptop or on your phone. We don't want the baby to be born with big eyebags." Yugyeom joked.

Jisoo and Jinyoung remained quiet in the corner. They knew that if this kind of topic was brought out, it would be the best not to talk.

"But I don't like veggies. Craven does not like those lame green things too." Mark said while disgustingly eyeing the salad beside his fruit loops.

All eyed Jinyoung. It was as if they were asking him to do something. For the past months, even if they are avoiding each other, it was Jinyoung who can successfully make Mark agree onto things.

But that was all disturbed when Mark's phone ringed.

"Finally! Sooyoung has texted me." Mark exclaimed?

"You talk to her?" Jinyoung said surprised. Don't get him wrong, he hasn't talked with Sooyoung since the day she left their house. She never left him something to contact her.

"Why not? Your sister is fun to talk to unlike you guys. At least she laughs at my jokes."

He opened the screen and he was greeted with a good news.

From: evil brat
Suzy eonni is here and she wants to talk to you.


i really did not sleep. i watched dna until four in the morning. sadly i have to stop because school starts at 7:30 and i have to be early or else i will be called in the student affairs office 😭😭😭

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