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Jinyoung woke up in the middle of their journey to Mark's house. He was still drunk but compared to his situation a while ago, this time is better.

When Jaebum and Jackson, with Jinyoung sleeping comfortably on his back, arrived in the van, Jackson immediately ordered the two youngest to get Jinyoung's mallet. Jaebum went with the two youngest since he already got to know his ways around Park's mansion.

"My books are my babies so shut the fuck up Wang ass!" Jinyoung said as he puts his bag with books,two books written by Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist and 11 minutes) and four Nancy Drew books, on his lap.  The others laughed so he shot them death glares.

"Markie is your baby and he's still asleep. Your baby needs a pillow!" Bambam said with glee.

The escapade was surely planned by Got5. Jaebum did say it to Jinyoung a while ago but he was not a part of the Got5. Mark, surely has no idea of what's going on because he's still on his pajamas and is still sleeping.

"I should have never left Sooyoung." He mumbled. "Hey Jackson, can we exchange seats?"

"Nope! I'm gonna keep Jaebum awake by pestering him. And clearly, you can't do that." Jackson stuck his tongue out at Jinyoung so he rolled his eyes.

He looked at Mark who is still sleeping. The older looked so uncomfortable because of his position so he decided to put Mark's head on his shoulders. But before he does that, the older suddenly hugged him and put his face on the younger's chest.

Bambam was secretly taking videos. He took a video of Yugyeom carrying Mark, Youngjae giving a smack kiss to Jaebum, Jackson stucking his tongue out and now, MarkJin moment.

"Hyung, act normal. Breathe normal." Youngjae said in English and as usual, Jackson teased him and as a result, Jaebum smacked Jackson's head.

"Don't mess with my boyfriend." He glared at him.

Yugyeom took out his phone and had a selfie with his parents.

Him, smiling ears to ears, Mark who is hugging Jinyoung, and Jinyoung who is looking at the window. Yugyeom did set it as his wallpaper, replacing the classic dandelion themed wallpaper he had since he was sixteen. He opened his messenger and sent the photo to Jinyoung.

Meanwhile, Jinyoung is trying to admire the beauty of Nevada by looking at the window. But then, a thought would pop out in his mind. Nevada's beauty is nothing compared to Mark's sleeping face.

His phone then vibrated so he took it out. There was a message from Yugyeom.

I'm so happy 😀😁😂😃😄😊😇☺😆😸😹🙌

Jinyoung shook his head with a smile. It did not escape from Yugyeom tho.

And meanwhile, Mark is pretending to be asleep.

Who wouldn't be awake with Jackson's loud voice?

The reason why he was doing this is because he was dared. No, he was threatened by Youngjae.

"Dude, I dare you to hug Jinyoung when you have a chance and it must last long. If you won't do it, I won't let you see Coco anymore."

In his mind, he is asking on how long is long is to Youngjae. Does it necessarily have to be an hour? A day? He doesn't know.

Their dog, Coco was his reason for hugging Jinyoung. But when he already hugged the younger, he felt like his love for Jinyoung was the reason.

All his anger towards the younger have disappeared. And he didn't like it.

In his mind, he says I have to hate Jinyoung. For the time being, let me hug him. Let me be at my home for a short time.

And that's when he really fell asleep.


Got4 are peeking at MarkJin's room. Jackson said he gets to decide who's gonna be someone's roommate because it is his house.

Jaebum is standing at their back. He can still see what's going on inside without looking stupid.

"Who do you think did put pink tape?" Bambam asked.

"Markie? He did that in high school." Jackson said.

"I believe it's Jinyoung. He's holding the pink tape." Youngjae answered.

"Sshh, just watch at my parents showing their love for each other." Yugyeom said. And he looked delusional.

"Seriously Yug? They're fighting and you call that love?" Bambam said but Yugyeom did not care.

"Why are you copying me?!" Mark shouted at Jinyoung.

"No, I'm not! You used blue tape before and I'm using peach pink!" Jinyoung defended himself. "And I did not only use it on the floor. I used it on the bed too so we're different!"

"Remove that damn tape!" Mark commanded.

"I'm the mother here so I won't remove it!" Jinyoung shouted back. He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow.

But Mark was too quick to answer. "Whatever."

Jinyoung was about to answer back when Yugyeom squealed.

"Gosh! I'm your child! I'm your child!"

Everyone looked at Yugyeom with disbelief.

"Holy shit man!" Jackson mumbled.

"Run!" Youngjae shouted and the Got4 ran.

Jaebum was still standing at where he is.

"I thought I am the father of the group? Jinyoung you're a liar liar liar." He was practically doing some cute stuffs which is so rare to see but the two shut the door.

because i just finished watching Bathory: Countess of Blood

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