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“Hey, Sooyoung!” Jinyoung called for his younger sister who is busy chatting with Sungjae.

“I'm busy!” Sooyoung replied. The two are now dressed for the upcoming party. Well, every night's a party.

“You and Sungjae can talk later. Talk to me now.” Jinyoung ordered so Sooyoung put her phone down. As soon as she saw what Jinyoung is wearing, disgust comes up on her face.

“Why do you always dress like a nerd?” She asked.

“Because I am the only one in that party who dresses like a nerd.” Jinyoung rooled his eyes.

“If you wanna get unique, wear a dress.” Sooyoung grabbed her brother to his room. "Besides, didn't he tell you to never show up again?"

“I'm two years older than you, Sooyoung!”

Sooyoung was fearless and sported the same annoyed eyes her brother was giving her. "If you can't respect his decision, then go crash the party fabulously and make him hate you even more." She paused for a few minutes to search through her brother's wardrobe and while trying to think of the right words to say, but did the opposite instead.

"I do not know the whole story because everyone refuses to let me know but dang, he cheated on you and is still showing how he doesn't want you back. If you can't respect yourself, then at least dress well, stupid model ass!"

She threw neon pink latex pants and a see through accessorized shirt to her brother's face.

“Wendy said tonight's neon punk party!” Sooyoung faced her brother with a neon pink pants and see through shirt.

“Sooyoung, get out.” Jinyoung ordered but the younger remained in her position, even raising a brow and crossing her hands on her chest.

“I'm twenty one!” Sooyoung whined.

“So?” Jinyoung raised his right eyebrow.

“That means--- aish! You and Sungjae are both killjoys!” Sooyoung stormed out of the room.

He wore what his sister gave him and he looked at himself in the mirror. He put on some glittered makeup on his face and some weird eyeliner that highlighted his eyes.

He looked at himself again in the vanity mirror. He smiled.

“You should get Mark now.”


“If you want to get your ex's attention, you should go to his house in the broad daylight.” Sooyoung suggested.

“Yeah, so that you and Sungjae can own the house and do whatever you wanna do.” Jinyoung rolled his eyes. “And I don't know where his house is.” Jinyoung admitted.

Sooyoung then laughed. “Stupid! Does the name Mark always dumb you down?"

“Oh.” Jinyoung just said. He forgets about a lot of things but wouldn't want to admit it.

“But Young-one, isn't he the one who cheated? Why are you the one making up with him?” She asked out of her curiosity.

There was a long silence.

“I don't know.” He finally answered the question. “Maybe because I did not listen to his explanation. Or maybe because it's me who isn't over our relationship yet. Maybe that's why I am the one who is chasing.” Jinyoung's heart hurt at the realization. He stopped the car at the side.

“Why don't you let him chase you?” The younger suggested.

“I doubt that.”

“You are so pathetic.” Sooyoung commented. “Try to avoid him for this week. Like never talk to him or go to him. He'll be frustrated.”

Attention| markjinWhere stories live. Discover now