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"Are you guys together again?" Jackson suddenly asked, which made the two choke.

"No!" They said in chorus.

"If you say so." Jackson then again shrugged and continued eating.

"Why, can't friends hold hands? Bambam and Yugyeom even sleep in one room and they're only friends!" Mark said defensively.

"Hyung, you're making it obvious." Youngjae chuckled.

But Yugyeom is just eating silently and is putting on a long face.

"You can't be a bratty kid today, Gyeomie." Jaebum said to Yugyeom.

"But I want them back together!" Yugyeom, being the kid he is, crossed his arms and pouted.

Bambam, who is the same age as him, cringed at the moment. The twenty-year old six foot man is acting like a baby again and it gives him goosebumps.

And then Jinyoung and Mark felt guilty as they have really raised Yugyeom as a brat. Yes, they became parents to Yugyeom when they were fifteen and sixteen respectively. Yugyeom was just a twelve year old kid back then.

And to their surprise, Youngjae followed. "I won't eat 'till dinner if you still aren't together." He crossed his arms, pouted and glared.

But it was not a surprise when Jackson followed. "We want eomma and appa back." He copied Yugyeom and Youngjae.

"Eeww." Bambam looked at them with a disgusted face.

"You are so weak, Bambam." Jackson whispered mockingly and the other two agreed. "I just think I'm too cool for that." The Thai boy answered back.

Meanwhile, Jaebum did put on a blank face.

And it was awkwardly silent.

"I'm really sorry guys but there are things you can't force to be like it was used to be." Jinyoung said sadly. "Come on, guys. Let's eat." He tried to sound hapy to convince the others to eat.

He sighed.

Mark thought this is the only way to make them eat. And to make Jinyoung happy.

"I'm going to court him again. Would that make you eat?"

"Why did you tell that?" Jinyoung asked. It's now 10 pm and everyone's asleep except them.

"Tell what? I told a lot of things today." Mark asked as if he doesn't know what Jinyoung meant.

"I don't want to give them false hope. What you told isn't real and you know how much they hate lies." He cried.

"Who said it isn't real?" Mark said calmly. "I want us to try it again. If it's worth it."

"You're only saying this because I confessed to you. Please, Mark. I don't want you to force yourself to love me back. I will never be happy. We'll never be happy with that set up—"

Jinyoung was surprised when Mark kissed him. The older started moving his lips but he wasn't answering.

Mark thought Jinyoung's lips was so sweet and he wonders if his tongue tastes sweet too so he bit the younger's lower lip and it made him gasp, allowing Mark to put his tongue in. He explored the inside of the ravenette's mouth, searching for his tongue. He immediately sucked it when he found it. Then they had a tongue battle. The man's legs was both in Mark's waist. Mark carries him until they were in bed.

Mark's kiss went lower. From Jinyoung's lips fown to his jaw down to his neck down to his collarbone. He sucked it once and then he stopped.

He looked straight at Jinyoung's eyes. "Would that answer your doubts, shadow?"


After their little make out sesion, both of them decided to sleep. But it was only Mark who was comfortably sleeping. His face is hidden on Jinyoung's chest as he hugs him.

Jinyoung had his eyes open. He could feel as if the whole zoo is in his stomach. His heart is rapidly beating and when he tries to close his eyes, memories from a ehile back flashes.

He is happy. He is actually beyond happy. The man who he is chasing is running back to him.

But it was just too sudden. Everything was so fast. It feels surreal.

In the morning, Mark yelled at him and punched him. Then he said sorry. Then at lunch, Mark said he would court him. And then they made out. And finally, they're sleeping together.

What did their make out session mean? Was Mark giving him a chance out of love or out of revenge? Was he planning something?  He doesn't know.

He isn't even finished with his step one on his plan B. He was just starting then it suddenly worked. Something feels wrong but he knows it should feel right.

They are in each others arms. That is what's important, right?

i love how mark just sits there and let them talk lol

A/N:i love how mark just sits there and let them talk lol

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