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Jackson and Mark were chosen as two of the five students who will be transferring to Kokobap International School. It's still their first week but they already had lots of fangirls and fanboys. In fact, they already have their own fansites.

Right now, Mark is lying on his stomach while watching some movies on his laptop. Just minutes later, he hear some giggles from their sala. He rolled his eyes. His life is already loud. He wanted to at least have some silence in the dorm, he thought his roommate understood that. He even put a blue tape on the floor to mark his border.

It was the first time that Jinyoung brought someone in the dorm since last week. Mark knew that cause he immediately goes to the dorm after classes. Jinyoung usually goes to the dorm at six in the evening because he has 'duties' to do in the Student Council.

"Junior, I want to meet your roommate." He heard a girl say that. He rolled his eyes. Did he bring a bitch?

"I told you not to call me Junior!"

"You are your father's smaller version so why not? Jaebum and Sooyoung even call you that so why not?"

That time, Mark went out to stop their bickering since he cannot focus on the movie he is watching.

"Jirongie, your roommate is so grumpy." The female giggled. Mark again rolled his eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes on me?" Suzy gasped.

"No, his eyes took the long way to look to the other side." Jinyoung butted in and was about to drag Suzy with him in the kitchen.

"No, you make lots of food for us. And make—"

"Caramel Machiatto?" Jinyoung said and Suzy agreed.

"What do you want, hyung?" He looked at Mark. "Tea." He replied after sitting on the sofa, on his border.

"Why are you a one-word man?" Suzy asked him. Even if he finds the female gorgeous, he still puts on a blank face.

"Why do you care?" He said in English.

"Maybe that's why Jirong chose to stay at the SC even if there's really no work." She said, ignoring what Mark said. "Does he cook you food?" She asked. Mark raised his brow.

I don't eat the food he cooks.

"Try to open up to him." She looked around. "And remove these tapes. You only got more or less 10 months to spend time with each other."

"Are girlfriends supposed to be like that?" He finally talked. But the younger laughed, confusing him.

"Almost everybody who sees us for the first time thinks we're in a relationship when in fact we are cousins!" Then her face turned serious. "Are you homophobic?"

Mark shook his head.

"Great! At least he can be true to himself around you."

"Food is ready!" Jinyoung shouted from the kitchen.

"Have fun talking to each other!" Suzy said as she got her machiatto and sprinted outside.

"What's wrong with her?" Jinyoung mumbled to himself.

"Hey, remove the tapes." Mark said as he plopped down the chair, getting ready to eat.


Jinyoung woke up early the next day, as usual. There were no more tapes. No more borders. He looked at Mark's side and he saw no one. He thought maybe the older was out for jogging or something.

Attention| markjinWhere stories live. Discover now