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Things got more awkward as the days pass by. Sure they still meet but they're not staying at the apartment anymore. The Parks knew about it so they closed it. Suzy was also grounded for they learned it was her idea, though she's old enough to be grounded.

And everytime they meet, Jisoo appears, so much to Mark's dislike.

"Jisoo won't show up here, right?" Mark asked. They are currently in the abandoned building near Kokobop University.

"I noticed that you are so uncomfortable around her. Do you hate her that much?"

"No." He lied. Mark hates Jisoo so much. "But I am really uncomfortable with her around us. She's your fiancé and I'm just your mere secret boyfriend." His voice got softer at the end of his sentence.

"Are you now doubting me, Mark?" Hurt is obvious on Jinyoung's voice. Mark sensed it and it made his heart ache, causing him to cry. Stupid hormones. "And now you are crying? Geez, why are you so emotional!" Jinyoung said in frustrated and angry tone. "Ironic isn't it? Before, you called me an attention seeker. Who is the attention seeker between us now, huh?"

"I'm as much as frustrated as you!" He said in between his sobs. "I was about to give a happy news for you but seeing you like this makes me back out. I wanted to fight for our love but I guess we're really not meant for each other." He tried to regain all his strength to walk out but failed. He felt dizzy all of a sudden, then blacked out. The last thing he heard was Jinyoung shouting his name.

Jinyoung was too fast to catch the older. He really didn't mean to be harsh, he was just frustrated. And now he regrets shouting at the older.

He rushed the older to the hospital. He knew Mark is the type to easily faint but takes time to feel well.

"How are you related to Mr. Tuan?" The doctor asked. Good thing this was the hospital owned by the Tuans so Mark was immediately brought to the presidential suite.

"I'm his boyfriend." Jinyoung answered.

"Well then, I have a bad news and a good news for you." He cleared his voice before speaking again. "Mr. Tuan is pregnant."

At first, he thought the doctor was just joking so he laughed it off. "And then the bad news is that it isn't true right?" But the doctor looked so serious, and has his forehead creased. "Damn. But how? I... him... we are males a-and..." Jinyoung couldn't finish his sentence because kf the mixed emotions he is feeling right now. He was shocked, excited, and happy because the one he loves carries their baby. But he was also extremely sad and worried because he can't stand as a father for their child becaue of his parents, and that male pregnancy is life-threatening.

"We knew there is a possibility of Mr. Tuan getting pregnant basing it from their family history," the doctor paused to look at Jinyoung. "His uncle got pregnant too but he died. I know this is a confidential matter but I just want you to know what might happen to Mr. Tuan."

The doctor left him in the room where Mark is confined. He took it as a chance to go to the younger and hold his hands. "I'm sorry but I don't want to lose you."

As soon as he finished his sentence, the door was opened harshly. "Is he okay?" That is what Youngjae and Jackson shouted as soon as they got inside the room. Good thing, Mark hadn't woken up from all this noise. The older still needs to rest.

His eyes instantly met his best friend's. "Jaebum, I got him pregnant. I'm so fucked up." There was a deafening silence in the room not until Jinyoung broke it off. "I ain't joking guys."

"We know." Jaebum answered.

"You know? And you did not tell us?" Yugyeom asked. It was obvious that he was already pissed off but Bambam, having fully understood the situation, calmed the youngest.

Suddenly, Mark was shouting. "What are you doing here?! I don't want to see you! Get out!"

Jackson was holding and calming Mark but the older seemed to be stronger. He got out of Jackson's grip.

"I don't need your pity! My baby does not need a father like you, fucker!"

"Mark hyung, calm down. You don't want to miscarry your baby again right?" Jackson said and as if on cue, everyone looked at him.

"Shit." Jaebum mumbled loudly. Jackson's sentence alone can trigger Jinyoung's trauma.

"Again?" Jinyoung asked. The two maknaes did not even bother to ask that question. "You were pregnant before?"

"Kids, let's leave them alone." Jaebum said. The others did not have any choice but follow him.

"Leave me alone." Mark said, trying to escape from the topic. He even turned his back on Jinyoung.

"If I did not come here, I wouldn't even know you're pregnant." He said while grabbing a chair.

"I know you are tired of me and my shits. Go back to your Jisoo." Mark said, still not facing Jinyoung. "So if I have your baby, would that stop you from marrying Jisoo?"

The raven did not answer.

"Your father wants a grand child from you, right? And we can't give him that. Eventually I'll die. Or my baby will die. Or both of us will die." The older tried not to sob.

"Please don't talk like that." Jinyoung said as he forced Mark to face him.

"Talk about abortion and you'll earn a ticket out of my life." The older warned. "And let's just remain as friends. I can't afford to be a home wrecker. Though you aren't married yet."

Although hurt, the both just agreed on that.

But would that be the best? Remaining as friends? Even if they already have a baby?

A/N: highkey promoting my cousin and his friend's youtube account (JDbroTV) he's asking me if i could get other people to subscribe (they're just starting) so imma do it here.

P.S i ain't living in their country

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