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Mark has not heard anything about Jinyoung for weeks. He pretended as if he didn't want to hear anything about the younger but the truth is he always go to the park to see if Jinyoung was already there.

Today, it was raining. Mark usually goes out of the park at 3 pm but today, he walked out at four. He planned to wait until the rain would stop but broke it anyway. He does not want to wait anymore.

Although it was raining heavily, he decided to just walk to their house which was five blocks away. He did not care about himself anymore. He did not care about the baby. Maybe Jinyoung does not really want it.

He went into a wine store in their vicinity and accidentally ran on the owner of that shop, who happened to be one of his acquaintance.

"Ayo, Mark hyung!" Sehun greeted happily. "You look so sad today. Maybe tea would make you happy."

"A tea-quila?" Mark said, trying to make his voice as energetic as he can to hide his extreme sadness.

"Woah, your jokes are getting better dude!" Sehun said and Mark simply nodded his head.

"Give me two bottles of tequila."

As soon as he paid his order, he got out of the shop. The bottles were opened, that was his request. He was drinking while walking in the rain. He did not care about the sharp pain he is feeling in his throat or in his stomach. The pain still lingers in his heart.

He threw the first bottle hard on the other side of the road. And it landed on a car.

The owner of the car seemed to be a hot headed one that it turned back just to stop right in front of the drunk blonde.

"What the hell dude! Stop throwing things everywhere!" The man shouted as soon as he got out of his car.

Mark's vision was blurry but he sure knows who the owner of the voice was.

"Jinyoung oppa!" He heard Jisoo shout so he smirked.

"Now I know." He spatted out. "You just wanted revenge, right? You never wanted my love, attention seeker." He pushed Jinyoung as he walked away from them but Jinyoung stopped his hands to give him an umbrella.

"I don't need this shit! I'm already wet. I'm already hurt. Hell, shower me with pain. I don't care about myself and our baby. It would be better if I don't have it so I can party all night long!" All the emotions rushed to Mark resulting to him saying words without even thinking. Sure he loves the little one but anger caused him to say these things.

He again tried to walk past Jinyoung and he succeeded. Before he could get to the other side of the road, he turned to them. Jinyoung was just about to enter the car and Jisoo was peeking through the window.

He raised his middle fingers before he walked away.

Jinyoung was hurt, of course. He still loves the older. He will always love him. But the safety of the people he loves is his number one priority.

He went inside the car but he did not drive. He was just looking at the direction where Mark went. He just came back to reality when Jisoo spoke.

"Why don't you go to him when you love him so much?"

Jinyoung opened his mouth to say something but immediately closed it. He does not have the guts to tell her.

"I know it's too sudden but I am inlove with you, Jinyoung-ah." She looked at him straight in the eye. "The first time I knew I was getting married, they showed me your picture. I don't know why I immediately agreed. I actually thought you were rude but you were nice." She paused to breathe. "And then Sooyoung introduced you to me through the party. I liked you since then. And that grew to love. But I know you're chasing Mark. I was hurt. I don't like the feeling." Tears started to fall. Jinyoung wanted to comfort her but found no strength to do so. "I saw how he pushed you away so I promised myself to do eveything to make you fall out of love of him. And I am just starting." She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I can't-"

"I don't care if you can't give me the love I deserve. I love you and that is all that matters. I don't care if I look pathetic. I just want you to love me back!" Jisoo cupped Jinyoung's face and kissed him. But Jinyoung's lips did not move. He let Jisoo kiss him even if he wanted to back away.

How can Jinyoung unlove Mark if he can't see himself in love with another person?

How can he fall for Jisoo if what they are doing right now makes him cringe, makes him to want to puke, and makes him to want to run to Mark?

He pushed Jisoo away when he already can't take it. "I am only going to get married to you but I can't be in love with you. Be contented with that." He looked away at the lady and started the engine.

I was singing "sonjit sonjit baby sonjit sonjit" and then someone from school looked at me like this:

A/N: I was singing "sonjit sonjit baby sonjit sonjit" and then someone from school looked at me like this:

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