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It is indeed an exhausting day for the gang. Exhausting because they need to clean their rooms. Apparently, MarkJin's assigned room is the only clean room.

Well, Mark and Jinyoung are exhausted too but not because of cleaning. It's because of fighting. Who gets to sleep on the sofa and who gets to sleep on the bed, who gets to wash up first and who gets to get out of the room first. The pink tape is also not removed which made Mark to throw more tantrums.

Night came so they all slept. Actually, Jackson was insisting on having a campfire but Jaebum shut him up by saying they can do that tomorrow.

2Jae of course are sleeping together. Jaebum got the top bunk while Youngjae got the lower bunk.

Jackson is sleeping in his own room. Bambam and Yugyeom are sharing one room and are sleeping tight.

Meanwhile, Mark can't sleep and he can't understand why. He has all the bed for him even though the pink tape hasn't been removed. The mattress and the pillows are so soft and so comfortable to sleep on.

Maybe because the bed is so big for him and he needs to share it with someone else.

He looked at Jinyoung sleeping on the couch. He only has a pillow and his body is curled up. The position looks so uncomfortable yet he managed to sleep.

Mark found Jinyoung's sleeping face cute. He has his right eye slightly opened and mouth closed. But he reminded himself that he must feel angry and disappointed at the younger.

Mark threw a pillow on Jinyoung's face and that made him wake up.

"Stop acting like you're comfortable there. Sleep here." Mark patted the other side of the bed.

"Whatever." Jinyoung went back to sleep.

"Jinyoung, stop being an attention seeker." Mark said in his warning tone.

"Mark HYUNG, can you fucking stop? I'm trying not to feel any hatred towards you and who said I haven't moved on." Jinyoung got the two pillows and went to the bathroom. He slammed the door so hard and he doesn't give a fuck about it.

"Aish!" Mark ruffled his hair violently. He lied down and the bed and started kicking off the bed sheet.


"Wang Jackson it's still so early!" Jaebum groaned.

"But we have to check them!" Jackson whined like a child.

"Hyung, go get Yugyeom. I'm sure he is interested." Youngjae said in his sleepy voice.

"I ain't talking to you Jaejae. Plus, he'll shout and squeal and scream and whatever once he sees them. And I don't want to wake Bambam up too so... Jaebum hyung, please come with meeeeh!" Jackson insisted. He dared to shake the older violently just to wake him up and he didn't care if he'll get hit after.

"Stop it, Jackson." Jaebum woke up unwillingly. He kicked the blanket and jumped down the bed.

"Jae, open your eyes." Jackson said in his jocal tone.

"Son-ah, should we stitch your mouth now?" Jaebum said in his warning voice and that's when Jackson closed his mouth. You can tell he loves his mouth more than anything else.

"Where are they?" Jackson mumbled. "Mark can't sleep without hugging something so I'm sure he's really forced to sleep beside Jinyoung." He whispered.

"Jinyoung considers bath tub as his safe haven so he must have slept there." Jaebum said while heading to the bathroom.

"Right. They must have slept in the bathroom!" Jackson said excitedly. He opened his phone and went to the camera app. He took a video of them entering the bathroom.

"OMG! OMG! OMG! Hyung, look at them. Sleeping face to face! Mark hugging Jinyoung so tight and Jinyoung putting his legs on Mark hyung's waistband! OMG! OMG!" Jackson whisper shouted in mix Cantonese and Korean. Jaebum did not understand him so he just shrugged it off.

"I think we should collect MarkJin moments from now on and then show it to them on our last day here!" Jackson said excitedly as they exit the bathroom. "Oh hey, I think we're meant to be! Our bestfriends are lovers so we should be lovers too!"

Jaebum cringed at what Jackson said. "Youngjae is the best for me and I am the best for Youngjae, thank you."

Jackson whines jokingly but then they heard screams from the bathroom.


"Mark's on his period again!"

The two of them ran to the bathroom and found Jinyoung lying on the floor with a bruise on his face.

Jaebum, being Jinyoung's childhood best friend, he immediately grabbed Mark from the collar. "You are older and I respect you so much but now you completely lost it!"

Mark gave him a blank stare. It irritated him more. He was about to punch Mark but Jackson and Jinyoung stopped him.

Jinyoung went out of the room so Jaebum followed him.

"Man, you fucked up so bad." Jackson shook his head in disappointment but he stayed. "I'm your best friend so listen to me. You'll regret letting him go and you'll regret not forgiving him and you'll regret hurting him in the future."

"Why do you all go on his side?!" He shouted. He was frustrated. He didn't care about what other people would think about him. But his best friends— his two best friends, Youngjae and Jackson, are siding with the person who hurted him the most.

"Because Jinyoung suffered more than you."

Attention| markjinWhere stories live. Discover now