Safe and Sound part 3

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Warning: contains mention of sexual assault

Applejack stayed silent as she watched the interaction between Rainbow and the child therapist. Rainbow was doing what she would normally do in a situation like this:

Glaring at the doctor and stayed as far away from her as possible as if the woman was a threat.

Nonetheless she answered questions if she felt like it. Applejack just held her hand, not saying a word, letting the woman do her thing.

"So, Rainbow." The woman said. "I understand that you were held hostage for about three days, right??."

Rainbow nodded. The therapist nodded. Applejack could see her storing the information into her memory for later.

"Can you tell me what you were doing when you got kidnapped??."

Rainbow shifted around. She looked down at the bedsheets, playing with her hospital bracelet. She didn't say anything.

Applejack looked at her girlfriend then the therapist. The woman looked like she had expected that from Rainbow.

"Don't wanna talk??." She asked softly.

Rainbow shook her head.

The therapist held up a pencil and an black notepad that she had on her lap.

"Think you can write for me??."

Rainbow looked up. She stared at the notepad for a few seconds. Then she nodded. The therapist handed her the items and sat back, crossing her legs, folding her hands over her lap.

Rainbow wrote slowly. Applejack didn't try to read what she was writing. She let Rainbow have her privacy. She didn't need to know if Rainbow didn't feel comfortable saying anything out loud. Rainbow held up the notepad, so the woman could read what she wrote down.

The woman's eyes scanned the yellow lines paper. She nodded.

"You were at the store. Buying some stuff??.

Rainbow nodded. She pointed at Applejack.

"For Applejack??." The woman guessed.

Rainbow nodded.

"And you went alone??"

Rainbow nodded again.

The session went on for about an hour. Rainbow nodded or shook her head in response to the woman's question or statements. She wrote down what she wanted to tell her. The woman didn't push her to talk. AJ sat silently through it all, only talking if the woman talked to her or if Rainbow "talked" to her as well.

"Rainbow." The therapist said cautiously. "Do you remember everything that happened when you were with the men that took you??."

Rainbow nodded. She wrote something down on the paper. She hesitated for a bit but eventually held up the notepad.

I wish I could forget.

The therapist slowly nodded, letting that statement sink in.

"Did something happen while you were held hostage you want to forget??." She asked. "You don't have to answer. I just think it might help me help you if I know if anything happened."

Rainbow looked at Applejack then the woman. She nervously swallowed. She looked at her arms and pointed at her bruises and scars.

The therapist nodded. "Ohhh. They did that??." She said, already knowing the answer before she had even asked.

Applejack guessed the therapist wanted Rainbow to tell her herself.

Rainbow nodded. The therapy was quiet for a moment.

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