02// yellow iris

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NOVA SWUNG HER ARM BACK and then brought it down front with as much grace she could muster, the badminton racquet in her hand sending the shuttlecock flying over the net towards her opponent's end.

Monica smirked, but there was also a hint of awe and respect in her eyes as she appreciated the terrific swing. Not losing her focus, she raised her arm in the air and prepared to strike back.

"You're getting better," Nova told her a few minutes later when the bell ending PE period rang and they wrapped up their little game.

Monica fought back a huge grin, obviously trying to act professional and tough in front of Gallagher High's treasured badminton player. Heck, Monica felt intimidated sometimes and that was saying something cause she was a pretty feisty bitch herself.

"Thanks," she replied, offering Nova a quick smile. "See you later, then."

Nova nodded, watching as the pretty brunette turned around and walked away with a spring in her steps.

Smiling to herself regarding the fact that her mentoring was showing results, Nova grabbed her gear and headed towards the girls' locker room.

"Nova," coach Hadley's voice stopped her in her tracks just as she was about to open the door.

"Coach Hadley," Nova grinned, her turquoise eyes coming to life as they always did once they landed on someone she was very fond of.

"Saw the Halliwell girl leave seconds before you did," he nodded his head towards the closed locker room. "How's she doing?"

A look of pride seeped into Nova's striking features. "I don't think I could have picked a better protege."

Coach smiled, "maybe you're just that great a mentor."

"No," Nova said decisively, "she's quick to learn. Eager, even. And she puts in the required effort, and more." Maybe Nova didn't shower Monica with praises but that was because she was a strict mentor. It by no means implied that she was oblivious to the younger girl's promising talent.

"I'll take your word for it," he nodded, knowing that Nova didn't spit out words because she liked to listen to herself speak. If she was saying Monica made the cut for the team, then there was nothing else to it.

Just as school was over and Nova was making her way towards her car, she faltered in her steps. Taped to the windshield of her apple green sedan was a single Iris. And underneath it, she could recognise a folded piece of paper that was undoubtedly a note of some sort.

Her heartbeats seemed to pick up as she approached the car with caution, as if expecting it to explode any second now.

Finally reaching the vehicle, she carefully removed the tape, frowning slightly when it left an insignificant mark on the glass. Sure the car wasn't too fancy and the mark on the glass after removing the tape was practically invisible, but it was still her car and she loved it.

Her heart in her throat, and lungs failing to function for a few seconds, she unfolded the pale blue paper.


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