35// not that guy

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I'm guessing I deserve the silent treatment.

Another ping.

I did get your emails on Saturday night. I know that doesn't make you any more inclined to forgive me, but...

I'm sorry? Please?

    Nova bit her lip, not really as upset anymore. But the problem was, she'd been in a sour mood that night because of Jasper and the lack of response from John, and she'd ended up taking that anger out on John by completely ignoring him.

    And now, she was suddenly wondering if she had maybe overreacted. This was odd for her — Nova was usually confident in her choices and handling of emotions.

    She shoved the phone towards Graham, where he still sat next to her in Chemistry.

    "You're a guy," she said.

    His eyes dropped to the screen of her phone and then flitted back to her eyes. Nova realised he always looked her right in the eyes.

    "I believe I am, yes," he said in a tone full of wonder.

    She shot him an unimpressed look and he sobered up. "So tell me what you'd expect to hear from the girl you like when you apologise for ignoring her existence one night."

    He leant back in his chair, cocking his head to the left as he peered at her.

    Something fluttered in Nova's chest.

    She ignored it. Crushed it. Stamped down on it.

    "I wouldn't really ignore the girl I like," he said slowly, his tone cautious as if he were treading on eggshells. Nova guessed he was worried about offending her.

    "But if I happened to do so, you can bet I had a very, very good reason for it," he pointed out in all seriousness. "Maybe even reasons I can't exactly talk about. Family affairs, that sorta thing. Therapist appointments... You never know."

    Nova blinked, "you —"

    He shook his head, hearing her question before she asked it. "No, I don't see a therapist. But that's one of many valid reasons." He shrugged. "Just saying. If this is the first time he's done it, might be worth going easy on him."

    "Hmm," Nova stared at the screen. "But you still didn't answer my question."


    "I didn't ask you if you'd ever ignore the girl you like and why," she raised her brows," I asked what you'd expect her to respond with when you apologise."

    The skin on his forehead creased as he mulled her question over.

    "Well—" he paused. "I guess I'd already know in hindsight that it wouldn't be easy to pacify her... So..."

    "Soooo?" Nova waited, fingers tapping on the surface of the worn out desk.

    "I guess I'd want to show her that I'm sorry," he finally said, and Nova's eyes caught on to the sudden squirm of his body. "Maybe he'll surprise you with a sweet gesture or something, I don't know." He shifted in his seat again. Was he feeling awkward?

    Nova wanted to slap herself. Of course he was feeling awkward.

    Why would he enjoy a conversation that revolved around anything cheesy or along the lines of romance? Graham wasn't that guy.

    But John was.

    And Nova would do well to remember that.


I'm so sleepy; its 11:50 p.m here .__.

Also, there's this really nice but undiscovered book called First Love (you'll find it on my Hidden Gems reading list). I think its worth a shot :)

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