25// bad days

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NOVA HAD JUST FINISHED BADMINTON practises with Monica, and was drying her hair with her towel in the locker room after taking a quick shower to wash off the exhaustion and sweat.

"Are you going to the game on Friday?" Monica asked from behind her as she pulled on a clean T-shirt over her head.

"I haven't really decided," Nova answered, feeling unusually tired. It had been a long day.

"Adelaide's going to be there though," Monica said, as if genuinely confused that Nova wouldn't come even if her best friend was going.

"Well, she's cheer captain," Nova pointed out, "she has to be there. Plus, I can enjoy a good game of football but I wouldn't really say I'm a fan of it."

"You ready for your game on Wednesday?" Monica asked next, changing topics faster than Eminem could rap.

"Yeah," Nova shrugged, slipping her arms through her backpack and then grabbing her sports bag and slinging that over her right shoulder. "I'm always ready," she said after a breath, "and in the off chance I'm not, I pretend to be so that the opposing player believes that I am."

Nova finally adjusted the straps on her bag and when she looked up, she found Monica's eyes watching her carefully.

"What?" Nova asked.

"You seem to be in a pretty bad mood today," she said, shifting on her feet suddenly as if she was worried she was overstepping.

Nova only grunted in response. "Everyone has their days," she eventually said, not giving anything else away.

"Right," Monica mumbled awkwardly.

A few seconds of deafening silence passed and then Nova sighed in defeat, eyeing the girl exasperatedly.

"I'm just tired, okay?" She grumbled, not entirely comfortable with opening up to Monica — even in this tiny way. But a part of her just wanted to let something — anything — out. "Plus it doesn't really help that Jasper the Unfriendly Ghost is a sore pain in the neck."

"That'd be a lot funnier if, you know, he was a ghost."

"Eh, he's dead to me," Nova shrugged.

Monica grinned but before she could say anything else, Nova decided she really just wanted to go home and sleep the rest of the day away.

Quickly bidding her goodbye and letting Monica know that she'd think about going to the game, she left the locker room and headed for the main doors of the school.


If you don't get the "jasper the unfriendly ghost" reference i am going to be SO disappointed.

Also, double update because this chapter lone would've been unsatisfactory :D (you know you love me) :P

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