13// my heart does cartwheels

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Reminder that this book is a first draft and will only be edited once the whole thing is posted.


"ALRIGHT CLASS, SETTLE DOWN NOW." Mr Trevor's voice boomed across the classroom, effectively reducing the loud chatter to a faint murmur.

"Psst," Nova heard someone hiss towards her left. Both Graham and Nova turned in that direction, identical expressions of confusion on their faces.

"You, Nova," a girl who Nova didn't recognise snapped her fingers in order to get her attention.

But it was pretty normal for someone who Nova didn't know existed to know of her.

"What?" Nova asked, frowning slightly.

"Um, I was supposed to give this to you," the other girl smiled sweetly, handing Nova a note identical to the other ones she'd received.

Nova glanced at the note she'd taken from the nameless girl and then looked back at her again. "Did he pay you seventy bucks too?" She asked dryly, noticing through the corner of her eye that her remark caused Graham's lips to twitch.

The girl looked confused, "no... Why?"

Nova shook her head. "No reason." After a moment's hesitation, "thanks, by the way."

The moderately pretty girl smiled, tucking her wavy brown hair behind her ear. "Sure."

"She's new," Graham observed in a low tone as the girl looked away.

"Explains why she's an unfamiliar face," Nova muttered distractedly, her fingers working quickly to unfold the letter as her heart went into a frenzy.

"Easy there, tigress." Nova's eyes were on the note but she could hear the smile in Graham's voice. She disregard him though; she didn't even register the fact that he could be reading the note too.

All she could think of were the words that were waiting to be claimed by her and her alone.

I can't not hear back from you.
I'm sorry but its true.

Your thoughts, your words,
Your joy and your hurt.

Whatever the response it is that you offer me,
I'd take it without hesitation, in a heartbeat.

So I'm leaving my email address for you to contact me
As giving you my phone number is as good as giving away my identity

I don't know your email ID, so I'll lose my mind waiting
For you to send me a message, whilst my heart does cartwheels.

—always yours (towintheheartofhart@gmail.com).

P.s- yes, I did create this account specifically for you considering my original one includes my entire freaking name in the ID.

P.s.s- just wanted to remind you of how much I like (love?) your name.

Nova was glad Addy or Caroline weren't around reading the letter along with her so that she needed to make a comment of some sort.

Because right now, Nova didn't think she could speak. Something unfamiliar coursed through her. She wasn't used to being rendered speechless like this, especially every single day since she got the first letter.

The only time anything or anyone had robbed her of forming coherent words was when she was watching The Ugly Truth and Mike declared that he was in love with Abby out of the blue while they were in a freaking hot air balloon on goddamn live television.

Nova had to rewind the movie twice to make sure she heard it right.

"Think I need to make him wait?" Nova asked absentmindedly, not paying attention in class for the first time since she can remember. She hoped it was a lesson she would have no trouble catching up with.

"What?" Graham asked in a puzzled tone, his deep green eyes fixed intently on Nova. Why hadn't she noticed how green they were before?

She shook the thought off.

"The email thing," Nova said, completely forgetting that she was discussing this with someone who was probably as weary of her love for all things romantic as Jasper was.

But that was the thing about this anonymous writer of hers; he seemed to be overriding every sensible fibre in her body. She was just so lost in her bubble of giddiness that he alone seemed to be able to create.

"What email thing?"

Nova blinked. "The one that he gave me to contact— wait, weren't you reading it?"

He shook his head slowly, his expressive eyes were earnest. "I... I wasn't sure you'd appreciate it," he explained. "I mean, I know I did so during lunch but you were already surrounded by a crowd and I figured one more pair of eyes wouldn't hurt. But this... I don't know, it just felt different." He shrugged, lips curving into a lopsided smile. "After all the attention, thought you'd like the privacy."

Warmth flooded Nova as she offered him a genuinely soft smile. "Thank you," she murmured.

"Whatever you say, Hart." And just like that, his eyes went back to focusing on the teacher.


Thank you for reading <3 please share this story with your fellow wattpad friends :))

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