62// kiss me like the world's ending

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I've realised the best kind of revenge is spoiling TV series or books for people who piss you off :')

I've realised the best kind of revenge is spoiling TV series or books for people who piss you off :')

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    When the last bell for the day rang, Nova let out a huge sigh and practically hopped out of the classroom.

    It'd been a pretty long day and she was ready to go home.

    She stopped in her tracks, turned towards her left and began walking in the direction of Graham's locker instead. She didn't know what she planned to do or say, she was only acting on an impulse.

    Nova just wanted to be in his presence, maybe hold his hand again. Yeah, she'd like that. It had felt nice during lunch.

    As she neared his locker, muffled voices floated over to her and when she recognised one of it as Mallory's, she froze. And then she quickly ducked behind the row of lockers.

    "B-but when you knocked into me on my first day here, you helped me pick my things up," Mallory was saying.

    "Yeah," it was Graham's voice now. "Cause that's what a decent person would do. Doesn't mean I was interested or anything."

    "And what about the other day? When you opened up to me about your parent's separation and how it felt like hell?" She went on, adding to Nova's confusion.

    "Mallory," Graham sighed softy. "You were upset about moving here because your parents divorced. You were having a rough day and considering you've been my seating partner in AP Algebra for a while now, I thought it was common courtesy to ask why you were upset. And when you told me, I found that I could relate.

    "Which is why I told you about my parents," he explained, voice kind. "So that you'd know it gets better. I just wanted to help, that's all. It didn't mean anything. There was no subtext. My heart's Nova's and I don't think I'm ever getting it back."

    Nova closed her eyes, an unfamiliar emotion washing over her body in powerful waves, making her toes tingle and heart swell.

    "She has unrealistic expectations," Mallory snorted.

    "What she expects is for her to be treated right," Graham said firmly, sounding annoyed now. "To be seen for who she is, for her worth to be appreciated. Its what anybody would want in a healthy relationship; that's not unrealistic."

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