11// head in the game

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MONICA SEEMED UNFOCUSED THIS AFTERNOON as she missed yet another swing and the shuttlecock fell at her feet.

Nova wasn't impressed. Her annoyance seemed to surpass the smudge of concern she had earlier when she saw the other girl walk in chewing the inside of her cheeks in deep thought.

It was Wednesday, and just like everyday except Thursdays, they had after-school badminton practices. Thursdays were when they had PE for last period so Nova usually just dragged Monica to a side as they practised, ignoring the rest of the class.

"Nova, a word please," Coach Hadley's voice had a neutral tone but Nova knew what was coming.

Gritting her teeth and throwing Monica a dirty look, she tightened her hold on her racquet and began taking quick strides towards the man.

"Coach," her tone was clipped, obviously revealing her dissatisfaction. Monica had been doing so well, and on the day that coach decided to check in on his girls, she was messing things up.

"You can calm yourself," he told her, fighting off a smile. "You said she's A+ material, I believe you kid. I'm not here to criticise."

Nova's brows pulled together in confusion. "What is it then?"

"Do you think its nerves?"

Nova shook her head, "she didn't notice you sitting on the bleachers. Well, not until a few minutes ago when you called me at least."

Coach nodded slowly. "So what's wrong with her today?"

She shot him an incredulous look.

"Don't give me that look," he warned. "What's with her?"

"How the heck would I know?" Nova retorted, throwing caution to the wind when addressing her favourite teacher in this school.

"Because she's your student," he pointed out. "Because you took her under your wing. And there's more to being a mentor than just providing constructive criticism."

Nova let out a long, tired breath. "Fine, geez. I'll talk to her."

Coach smiled and patted the top of Nova's head with his clipboard before leaving the gym.


Nova was slipping on her footwear in the locker room after shedding off her gym shoes when she sensed Monica's presence hovering behind her.

"What is it?" Nova asked curtly. She only ever showed her soft side to her sister and Adelaide. She had a feeling Coach Hadley saw past the tough exterior at times too. Needless to say, she didn't know how to have a heart-to-heart with someone she trained— someone she liked keeping things purely professional with.

"Um," Monica started, "I wanted to apologise. I know I wasn't up to my usual standard today and—" she seemed to falter there, "and, I'm sorry if coach took it out on you."

Nova had a feeling she amended the last bit, not saying what she intended to.

"Coach wasn't pissed," Nova let her know. A part of her wanted to go along with it, put on an act about how coach was unhappy with her but she figured that was a little cruel. "So you want to tell me why you were off your game?"

"I'm sleeping with Graham," Monica blurted and Nova wasn't sure if she heard it right.

"Come again," Nova frowned, thinking surely she must have misheard it.

"I'm sleeping with Graham," she said it slower this time, with a steadier voice.


"It's just that... Well, I saw you two leaving class together yesterday and then enter the cafeteria together and well, I don't know... If you're interested or something, I'll back off," she was rambling now. "It's just casual sex, nothing serious. Its been going on since last year..." Her words died as she realised that maybe she was giving away too many unnecessary details.

"Sorry," she squeaked out, her cheeks reddening furiously.

Nova pressed her lips together, fighting off the smile with much difficulty.

"Monica, I barely know the guy," she told the other girl in a matter-of-fact tone. "We know of each other's existence, that's it. Don't worry about it."

Monica nodded, looking relieved.

"But don't you dare let a guy effect your performance on the court ever again," Nova's eyes flashed as she kept them fixed on Monica, letting the other girl know she meant business.

"I've never allowed that to happen," she said quietly. "I just... I don't want to disappoint you."

Nova blinked, taken aback at the sudden warmth filling her chest. "Keep your head in the game then," she said, but in a kinder tone. "See you tomorrow during PE period."

Monica nodded and offered Nova a smile before leaving.


Hope you're all having a fantastic day <3 and if you're not, keep that chin up anyway. Nova says queens don't lower their heads -- your crown can fall off ;) ❤

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