60// fire and ice

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    By the time lunch period came around, Nova knew she held all the cards.

    She was the one at the top of the food chain, she had the influence and she had every bit of power to call the shots and make Mallory suffer the rest of senior year in this school.

    She knew, with every fibre of her being, that Addy would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with her, along with the rest of the cheer squad.

    And Monica wasn't the only one Nova played badminton with; there were others who'd even played alongside her during tournaments for doubles. They loved Nova, they respected Nova. And they'd be there, at her beck and call.

    Nova knew she had it in her to be unapologetically ruthless, to bulldoze her way into Mallory's life and give back the humiliation she'd endured during the school dance tenfold.

    Nova could crucify her, rip that unsuspecting girl apart to send a loud and clear message to everyone else at the school: that you didn't mess with Nova Hart, not without drastic consequences.

    Nova could do it, all of it.

    But would she?

    "Hey, Nova?"

    She turned around at the vaguely familiar voice. There were three guys, all with their basketball jerseys on.

    "If I told you that you looked more beautiful than the sunset, does that mean I get to take you home?" The same guy spoke again, smirking as he held up a flyer.

    Nova's eyes scanned it, feeling her stomach drop to her feet as she saw the picture of the sunset John had emailed her printed on it, along with the caption.

    "Or," the boy — who Nova recognised as Ward — stepped closer. "Would you become clingy and demand I put a ring on it right away?"

    The other two guys dissolved into fits of laughter.

    "Did you actually keep that flyer from Friday's dance?" Nova asked him sceptically.

    "Well, I had to rub it in your face, didn't I?" He cocked his head, eyes gleaming. "Would have done it on Friday itself but rumour has it you took off crying. What's wrong Nova? Somebody break your precious heart?"

    Nova snatched the flyer from his hands, her fingers curling around it aggressively. It only made him laugh in her face.

    "Jeez, how pathetic are you?" He snorted.

    "Funny that you think I'm pathetic," she snapped, anger rolling off her in waves, "because I've never seen something break so easily as your ego when I told you that I don't date chauvinistic pigs."

    That wiped the smirk right off his stupid face.

    The laughter stopped too and both the other boys blinked as if this was the first time they're hearing of it.

    "Get him an ice pack," she told them, "he's going to want to tend to his bruised ego. Again."

    Throwing Ward a nasty glare, she walked away.


    Nova had just entered the cafeteria, her eyes sweeping over the crowd looking for a familiar dark-haired figure.

    She knew Addy had asked her to wait, that they'd do this together. But the confrontation with yet another boy who took pleasure in what happened at the dance because he was still bitter about being turned down by Nova had sent her off the edge.

    She could feel the rage simmering underneath her skin, her fingers feeling like claws that were itching to scratch out Mallory's eyes.

    And then she found her.

    Mallory was sitting at one of the corner lunch tables, another girl by her side. Nova recognised the guy sitting with them too — Keith or Hugh? She could never remember.

    Throwing caution to the wind, she strode towards them, purpose in every bold step she took.

    Her hair flew behind her as she made a beeline in their direction, making her whole stance scream: untouchable. Many eyes looked her way but she didn't falter in her steps, her eyes fixated on the three figures laughing like they hadn't a care in the world.

    She was fire, and she was ice. And in that moment, her blue eyes were hailstones, with flames burning deep inside.


Also, would you guys read fantasy (More specifically, werewolf) ?

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