12// we have chemistry

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Dedicated to kayxcxxo, go check out her story Staying With The Bakers cause I sure as hell can't get enough of it <33


NOVA HAPPILY CHEWED ON A red gummy bear, the giddy smile never leaving her face as she rocked her chair backwards, letting the back of her head hit the wall.

"Can I have some?"

Nova's eyes narrowed as they landed on Graham, who was dragging out the chair next to her noisily, that same I-have-nothing-better-to-do grin on his face.

"We have chemistry together too?" She asked with thinly-veiled disdain.

His eyes lit up as he sat himself down. "Why, Nova," he feigned an awestruck expression, "and here I was worrying that you're out of my league."

Nova rolled her eyes good-naturedly, letting the smile slip onto her face.

"You better be a good lab partner," she told him. "I don't intend to fail or do all the work by myself."

He scoffed, "excuse me, you think they'd keep me on the team if I didn't have my act together? 'Course I get good grades, ye of little faith."

"Good to know," Nova replied, before her eyes drifted to the rest of the class. There were still students left to arrive, including the teacher himself.

Its not that the rest of them were late but that those who were already here were early.

Nova figured it was one of the perks of being enrolled in some sort of sport. She was trained to be punctual; more often than not, sport helped discipline a person. Which would also explain why Graham was always on time too, usually arriving just a minute after her.

It made her question all the cheesy books she read with the cliche plot of popular guy falling for a nerdy girl. Wasn't always arriving fashionably late to class one of the key traits of the fictional quarterback? That made no sense to her now.

"You didn't answer my question," she heard Graham speak to her, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"What question?"

"The one regarding you sharing your gummies," he replied.

"Yeah, I kind of decided to not consider that a question," she told him in all seriousness. "I think of it more as some sort of offence."



A familiar mop of mocha coloured hair caught Nova's peripheral vision making her turn her head away from Graham and look at the boy who entered the classroom.

Something ugly reared its head when Jasper caught her eyes and gave her a smug look. Conceited bastard.

"For heaven's sake," she hissed under her breath as he occupied the lab desk on her right. Suddenly she was grateful that Graham had seated himself next to her, claiming her as lab partner. Nobody else in AP Chem had, thinking she'd probably be dead weight.

Nova wanted to throw a whole goddamn table at their faces. How the hell would she have managed to enrol in AP Chem if she wasn't smart enough? Morons.

"Here," she suddenly offered, shoving the packet of gummy bears in his chest because she wasn't used to being nice to somebody she met within a span of three or so days.

Graham quirked an amused brow, "thanks...?"

"Whatever," she muttered, but her tone held warmth.

"The whole pack?" He smiled devilishly.

"Don't push it, Miller."

"You got it, Hart."


Thank you for reading xx ❤. It means more to me than you can know :')

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