09// a queen in her own right

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NOVA'S EYES WERE GLUED TO the pale blue paper in her hand, not registering that Addy might not be the only one reading over her shoulder.


Nova, Nova, Nova... Sigh, your name. Dammit, your name.

I... I really hope the gummies weren't too much? (awkwardly scratching the side of my head now FYI)

I mean, they are your favourite, aren't they? I— I got it right, yes? Because, well, um, because I might have seen you with a packet in your hands only a million times.

A silvery laugh escaped Nova's lips, which were stretched into a dreamy smile she wasn't aware of.

Can I ask you something rhetorical? I would one day love to know the answer to the question but considering you can't really answer me now... Does— do my letters make your heart race the way watching you smile makes mine?

I'm sorry if it sounds too cheesy. (not really sorry though, can't help the way you make me feel).

—always yours. (I promise I bought exactly six packets and sent them all to you. Didn't keep any with me.)

"The guy's got game," a deep voice said from behind her and Nova jumped, few of the other girls screaming at the sudden intrusion too.

"Graham!" Addy chided, smacking him on the back of his head.

"What? Thought the letters were public domain," he shrugged innocently, but his eyes had that notorious twinkle.

"Well they're not," Nova declared, folding the note and stuffing it in her bag before Graham could do something like snatch it. "Now go away."

Before Graham could respond however, the bell rang to signal the end of lunch.

"Saved by the bell," Nova chirped, shooting a satisfied smile in his direction.


Nova was collecting the study materials she'd need to take home from her locker when Jasper, a boy she wasn't particularly fond of, approached her. Leaning sideways on the locker next to hers, he crossed his arms over his stomach.

"So," he drawled and Nova felt the urge to stuff his head in a toilet bowl already. "Someone's got a secret admirer, huh?"

"Is that what they're saying these days?" Nova asked matter-of-factly, not taking her eyes and complete focus off the books she'd need to take home to complete any homework that was due tomorrow.

"Apparently," he replied, not giving up his attempt of getting on her nerves. "Did he send you roses yet?"

Nova snorted. "Those aren't my favourite flowers, you prick."

"No?" He looked confused. "Funny, I thought you'd appreciate it, given your unholy love for everything gag-worthy."

Nova didn't rise to the bait. She was better than that. She'd dealt with much worse from hostile students.

"Or maybe, you know, considering you place yourself on such a high throne, you'd only begin to appreciate it if he showered you with bouquets and maybe went around the whole school sticking banners that read Nova plus whats-his-name equals always and forever or some sappy shit."

Nova wasn't an ill tempered person, but being ridiculed for what she loved and enjoyed was something she could never take. It always got to her heart; she was passionate about the things she loved like that.

"That wouldn't be romantic," she said, all niceness gone from her tone and posture. "That'd be immature as all hell, but then again it's coming from you, so no shocker there." She threw him a sneer for emphasis and then slammed her locker, before doing a perfect hair-flip that slapped him in the face and walking away with her head held high.

She was Nova Hart, a queen in her own right. It was going to take a lot more to make her hang her head down.


Thank you, thank you, thank you to anyone reading this :)) <3
It means the world to me xx

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