22// mystery boy

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MALLORY WATCHED FROM A CORNER as the blonde girl bit back a giddy smile and touched the stupid flower in her hair gingerly. As if it was something precious.

Such a bimbo, she couldn't help but think. But deep down, there was a part of Mallory that noticed how Nova pulled off the look despite their surroundings. She shook off the ugly smudge of envy as Nova and her friend began walking away to their class.

Mal needed to get to class too.

"Hi," she smiled as she sat down next to the familiar boy in AP Cal.

He looked up from his book where he'd scribbled down the answers to the complex questions they'd received for weekend homework. He was a genius like that.

"Hey," he smiled back, "sup?"

"I see you've been busy this morning," Mallory commented, "just passed by her locker."

He smiled lazily, as if what she was talking about came as no surprise. "She wore the flower then?" He asked, grinning in excitement as if completely oblivious to Mal's bitter attitude.

Mallory nodded, "she seemed pretty taken by it."

He shrugged and cast his eyes forward as their teacher walked in.

"Its her favourite flower," he muttered, lips twitching into a small smile.

Mallory snorted, "its ugly." And then, as an afterthought, she added — "but to be honest, I'd have expected her to prefer red roses... Aren't those the standard choice for any romantic sap?"

He shrugged again, looking bored by Mallory's repetitive comments of how Nova was an airhead.

"Yellow irises have a certain appeal," he said slowly, watching as a girl near him struggled to work out a question that he thought was fairly easy. He rolled his eyes at her lack of knowledge.

Mallory scoffed, making the boy turn towards her and away from the other girl instead.

"Don't tell me you're jealous about no one sending you secret admirer notes now," he drawled, finding her moodiness entertaining.

"I'm not," she huffed, her cheeks burning, "I am in pre-calculus and I even volunteer to stay back after school and tutor the ones who need it," she sneered, "and she's swinging a racquet around to hit some flying speck of white over the net."

His eyebrows rose. "Careful there," his tone was suddenly stern, "things are going as smooth as I could've hoped, I will not have you mixing shit up for me."

She gritted her teeth and slumped in her seat, "I won't say anything, don't wory," Mallory eventually said, "I'm not as jobless to  go ruin whatever this anonymous thing is that you've got going with Nova."

Seeming satisfied by her reply and the fact that she'd vowed to not meddle with his affairs, the boy directed his attention to the teacher in front.

Nova, Nova, Nova... It resonated in his mind and he found himself smiling —

— she really did have a beautiful name.


so?? What do you think?? I struggled when i wrote this chapter because i had to make Mallory's hostility obvious but at the same time write John Doe in a vague manner so that I don't give anything away....

Ugh, i hope i did it justice. I keep trying to rewrite it, but its all so bleh </3  sorry if it wasn't up to the usual standard!

Thank you for reading xx

Ps- (do any of you identify Mallory from a previous chapter??) *wink wink*

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