20// stag to my doe

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    NOVA UNTIED THE TOWEL FROM around her as quick as humanly possible, throwing it on the bed carelessly as she slipped on a baggy T-shirt she'd bought from the male's section in the mall.

    She didn't bother putting any pants on as she dashed back to her study desk where her laptop was perched. Caroline was the only other person living under this roof anyways.

    She'd received another email.

    Her eyes, now feeling slightly heavy with drowsiness, fell on the time displayed at the bottom of her laptop. It was a little past midnight. Tomorrow was Monday, she needed to wake early for school — heck, it was already Monday!

    Only this email, then, she told herself strictly. Just this one.

Sure I've heard of Graham the Great. (Rolling my eyes now)

And more importantly, PFFFFFTTTTT JEALOUS? MEEE? ha. ha. Yeah, sure.

Jealous. Huh.

Its not like he's popular. Or a natural charmer. Or a ladies' man or anything. Why would I be jealous?

    Nova thought her face was going to split into two from the size of her grin. She couldn't help biting down hard on her bottom lip, all sorts of funny sensations swimming around in her stomach. Goodness, what is this person doing to her?

He was being kind, you say? Hmm... (Tapping my chin in all seriousness now). Are we sure we're talking about the I'm-trying-to-be-a-good-Samaritan kind or the I-want-to-get-into-your-pants kind?

Because, you know, (cough, cough) Graham Miller.

Also this is me being completely and wholly and utterly unbiased by the way.

And, no, Wordsworth doesn't write your kind of thing, so... Yeah, guess you arent reading his works anytime soon.

Moving on...

Something to address me by... Hmm... Idk, how about... John Doe for the time being?

Its the best I can come up with right now. Trust me. (Also I want to bang my head against the wall right now, cause John Doe? Seriously?) 

— yours truly (lowkey hoping John Doe doesn't remind you of an unidentified corpse rotting in some desert)

P.s be the stag to my doe? (Too soon?)

    That did it. Nova let out a bark of uncontrollable laughter, her eyes alight and crinkling at the corners with pure glee.

     The door to her room opened.

    "I'm completely sane, sis," Nova grinned, not needing to turn around and make sure it was Caroline and also cutting off the obvious question she'd have asked regarding her mental stability. "Just having a good laugh, is all."

    "For the love of god, Nova," Caroline snapped, irritation heavy in her voice. "Its twenty past twelve! Some of us have jobs to get to in the morning!"

    Nova frowned, deliberately pulling the puppy dog face as she turned around to face her older sister's wrath. "Aren't you happy that I'm happy?" She blinked innocently. "We are blood after all."

    "Oh, for heaven's sake..." Caroline slapped her palm against her own face, shook her head in an exasperated manner and then stormed out of the room.

    Smiling slyly to herself, Nova turned back around and let her eyes drink in those last words again —

    Be the stag to my doe?


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