07// not a love guru

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ADELAIDE GLARED AT PIPER, WHO was one of the cheerleaders albeit a junior year student. Piper, obviously smart enough to get the unspoken message, shot out of the seat next to Nova so that Adelaide could claim the place instead.

Nova laughed quietly, knowing fully well that Addy was a very possessive person, be it her vice captaincy of the cheer squad, a boy who'd caught her eye or even her best friend.

"That was mean," Nova commented though she wasn't complaining. Nova could be pretty harsh too if needed.

"I just saved you from clawing her eyes out yourself," Addy flipped her hair back, away from her shoulders before settling her eyes on Nova. "She's crushing on Tyler." Automatically, Nova's eyes landed on the quarterback of the football team who was engrossed in a discussion with Graham.

The two had to be pretty close considering they had each other's backs in the field— and if anything she heard about the fights that Tyler usually got himself involved in were true, Graham had his back outside the field too.

"Okay?" Nova asked in confusion, probing Addy to elaborate.

"So, you know, since you're a supposed love guru and all, she probably wanted some tips."

"I'm not a love guru," Nova frowned, not liking that people must think of her that way. "I've never given any dating advice or even set people up together!"

"I know, you idiot," Addy smiled, nudging Nova with her shoulder gently. "But I can't help what people think. Human beings are overrated anyways."

Nova laughed at that, affection swelling her heart because her best friend knew how to make her laugh in any situation.

"So," Addy began after a few bites of food, "this secret admirer thing. Any news?"

"If there was, you'd know," Nova pointed out. She couldn't think of a single thing these two didn't know about each other already.

"True... So no suspicions of who it could be?"

"I don't know..." Nova sucked in her bottom lip, staring at her food. The anonymous writer had been on her mind every second of everyday but the minute Graham had opened his mouth in trig class, it had totally slipped her mind.

Until now, when Addy brought it up.

"I could maybe start drawing up a list of potentials, you know..."

Nova smiled, "thanks Addy."

"But?" Addy sighed. "I totally sense a but coming."

"But hold that thought," Nova grinned cheekily. "The best part of all this is the anonymous aspect. The thrill of the unknown. If I figure out who it is... Well, there's no fun in that."

Addy stared at her long and hard. "If this person isn't messing around, you mean."

"Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean." Nova waved it off, deliberately sounding nonchalant. How could she explain what she was feeling on the inside without sounding stupid? Somebody picked her of all girls in this school, somebody decided to invest their time and effort on her, somebody thought she was worthy of them spilling their heart in the form of written notes. And this somebody also believed she was worthy of being wooed, of being won over with genuine effort.

She could feel the butterflies flapping their wings in her stomach for a boy she had yet to land her eyes on.

Was this what all those romance books and movies meant when they spoke of forming a connection with someone beyond physical attraction? Was it?

Nova's eyes scanned the entire canteen, landing on anyone she could picture as the writer behind the pale blue sheet of paper.

She sighed; this was going to be quite the year.


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