57// come back to me

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Few more chapters, guys :') also im new to the whole writing romance thing. So if certain scenes don't come off as well as they could've been written, sorry.

fanfictionbelike your comments make my cheeks hurt so much from grinning too hard <3

fanfictionbelike your comments make my cheeks hurt so much from grinning too hard <3

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    When Nova opened her heavy eyes, she found herself in her room, the lights turned off except for a soft orange glow from the lamplight at the furthest corner of her room.

    Her eyes felt sore, her throat hurt and her limbs felt heavy — in fact, her entire body felt like it was weighed down by an anchor.

    A minute later, she realised this was because there was a strong arm draped heavily around her, pinning her to the bed.

    She knew it wasn't Caroline; this arm was stronger, firmer somehow.

    Panic bubbling in her chest, she shot up and shoved at the body next to her, her mouth opening to let out a bloodcurdling scream when —

    "Whoa, whoa, Nova wait—"

    She knew this voice.

    "—its just me, okay? Its me. Its me. Calm down."

    Yes, this voice she knew. This voice she missed even when she wasn't aware of it. This was Graham, and the realisation made the panic disappear.

    "Graham?" She sniffed, voice groggy and hoarse. "What're you doing here?"

    "Sorry," he sighed, moving backwards to lean against the headboard of the bed, his legs stretched out in front of him. "I couldn't leave you in this state — I just... I needed to just lie by your side," he said quietly.

    The events of the night flashed through her head in painful strokes, dragging up the humiliation and anger her sleep had buried.

    "What's the time?" She asked in a tired voice, just wanting to take in one thing at a time. She only had the energy to process things slowly right now.

    "It's two-thirty," he replied and now that Nova's eyes had adjusted to the dark, she could see his eyes staring at her.

    "I need to change out of this dress," she huffed, standing up and stretching her limbs. "It isn't the best sleeping material."

    "Sure," he swung his legs off the side of the bed, using his hands to push himself off. "I'll be down... You want me to make you coffee or something?"

    "No," she shook her head, touched at the gesture. "I just... I want to go back to sleep, forget tonight ever happened."

    He nodded, looking away as his shoulder fell slightly at what she'd said.

    "Not the whole night, I hope," he murmured, the barely audible tone of his voice carrying over to her in the silence of her room.

    Her heart raced, knowing that he was talking about the part of the night before she'd left for the dance.

    "I need to change," she said again.

    "Right, I forgot. Sorry. I'll g—"

    "No, I mean," she hesitated. "Caroline zipped me up when I got dressed... Can you—?" She gestured towards her back. "I can't reach." If she twisted to her maximum ability, and tried really hard, she might be able to reach the zipper. But her limbs were already aching and she was in no mood to spend anymore of her energy tonight.

    He seemed to freeze where he was standing, before slowly moving towards her, his footsteps tentative and cautious.

    Nova turned around when he was close enough, the skin on her back tingling with the heat radiating off his body.

    She felt his right hand grip her shoulder while his left one moved away her hair from her back and pushed it to the side. Once getting her hair out of the way, his fingers moved to the zip, pulling it down in an agonisingly slow pace. The fabric separated, exposing her back and she felt his knuckles graze her skin as he continued to unzip the dress, leaving a trail of scorching heat as he moved downwards.

    The zipper came to a stop at her lower back, but he was still standing close to her, showing no signs of stepping away. Without warning, his thumb began to draw soothing circles on the small of her back, while his other hand tightened its hold on her shoulder.

    And then, nearly stopping Nova's heart, he leaned down and pressed his lips on the nape of her neck.

    A gasp escaped her mouth, her breath faltering with the intimacy of the gesture and she could feel him shudder against her too. His lips burned where they met her skin, and electricity charged from the tips of his fingers into her system, bringing her to life in the dead of the night.

    "Get changed," he murmured, mouth moving against her neck. "And then come back to me."


Uhhhh idk xD how was the chapter? 0__0

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