// afterword // + new book

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Wow. This story's actually done, haha :') thanks for sticking by Nova from the minute she found the note taped to her car till the point where she learnt to pick herself back up <3 basically, i just want to address any questions/clear up any misunderstandings and blah blah.

but before we get to that fun part... as of this moment, right now, you guys have got me to #47 in Short Story and featured on the What's Hot list. YOU GUYS made this happen, please remember that :')

I can't remember being this insanely happy that there's a lump in my throat in a really, really long time. But I am now. I am so happy in a way that I've never been before and it is the single most terrifying thing right now, tbh.

i just. I could go on and on about how much I love you all and how grateful I am, but then Wattpad would probably end up setting word limits on chapters because of it haha xD

To the fun bit...


» why did i start writing this story? «

Well, i never really planned this. My main goal was always to help The Girl That Care Forgot gain as much recognition as possible because it needed to if i wanted the message behind it to reach as many people.
But i felt stuck in my original account; my book sort of felt stagnant (?)
I could've easily just changed stuff in that account but i felt like i just needed a clean slate; a fresh start.

So, i made this account. And i let myself open up more to my followers and mingled with them rather than being reserved as I did in my previous account. And im glad i did, cause i wouldn't have met you awesome, AWESOME people.
Anyways, i decided to write a storyline that i knew would catch the attention of a handful of readers so that when they check this book out, they'll eventually find my other account too, and then TGTCF.

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