24// chivalry isn't dead

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An update because i love you guys so much. TEHONH got into the finalist round of the Earnesty Writer's Awards under the ChikLit genre. [ along with Protect Your Heart by Fleur <3 ] and i just want to say thank you to readers, even the silent ones, because you're the reason I update regularly and have grown to love Wattpad so much

 [ along with Protect Your Heart by Fleur <3 ] and i just want to say thank you to readers, even the silent ones, because you're the reason I update regularly and have grown to love Wattpad so much ❤

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CONVERSATIONS DRIFTED AROUND HER; an exclamation here, a giggle there, a boisterous bark of laughter few seats away.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Adelaide had sent Nova a text saying she was skipping lunch to skim over her biology notes for the quiz her class was having next period.

And without her best friend, Nova didn't particularly feel like telling someone else she wasn't feeling too great today.

Her eyes flitted around the table, skipping from one familiar face to another. Suddenly, she felt claustrophobic. Trapped. There was just so much noise around her but it was too quiet inside her mind.

She'd never really been one for feeling insecure but she was uncharacteristically down right now and her hand semi-consciously went up to the flower perched behind her ear. This was stupid, she shook her head to herself and slowly slid it out of her hair, hoping nobody noticed.

Her eyes bore down on the flower in her hand and there was an unexpected - maybe even irrational - flash of anger at the one who'd wanted her to wear it. Where was he when Jasper was making jibes at her?

Why couldn't he have shown up and told Jasper how he thought she looked beautiful wearing the iris?

Her fist clenched around the flower before she loosened her fingers and it dropped to the floor.

Part of her didn't want to eat anymore but like hell if she was going to stop taking care of her body because pricks like Jasper existed.


Nova swallowed the forkful of chicken salad and titled her head upwards at the familiar voice.

A pair of green eyes stared back at her.

"Graham, hi," she blinked in surprise. Hadn't he been sitting with Tyler as usual? Nova's eyes darted to the empty chair beside Tyler on the opposite end of the long table and seeing Graham's bag there, realised he'd actually got up and made his way over to her.

"Can I sit?" He pointed to the vacant seat beside her. Addy's supposed seat.

Before she could respond, however, he made himself comfortable there.

She snorted and rolled her eyes, "why even ask?"

"Because I like to make sure chivalry isn't dead."

Nova fought off the smile that threatened to break free on her tired face. "Pretty sure the gentleman would actually wait for the woman's response, Miller."

"Yes, well, sometimes the rebel sitting on my left shoulder wins," he shrugged innocently.

"Only the left shoulder?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

He feigned an expression of hurt. "Come now, I'll let you know I can be a perfect gentleman."

Nova's lips twitched and she couldn't stop the smirk, "I'll bet Monica would know."

Graham's posture seemed to tense for a split second, which honestly surprised Nova. Wasn't he comfortable with people knowing they were sleeping together? Nova didn't see what the fuss was; the no-strings-attached was a pretty common deal around here.

"You're surprised I know...?" Nova guessed, trying to read his body language.

He relaxed, lifting a shoulder in a nonchalant half-shrug. "Monica isn't one to brag. Neither am I, for that matter. So yeah, its a surprise she told you... I mean, if it was Addy and she told you, I'd understand cause you're best pals..." He trailed off, confusion settling into his sharply defined face. "You and Monica aren't friends though, yeah?"

Nova shook her head, but understood his line of thought and confusion. "No, but she plays badminton and I've been training her since last year so that she could maybe play alongside me during double tournaments... And maybe even her own singles when she's ready."

"When she's ready?" Graham picked up on the confidence she had in her colleague, a soft smile curving his lips, "not if?"

"When." Nova confirmed. "She's got it in her." A beat of silence passed and Graham was still looking at her oddly so Nova cleared her throat and continued, "so yeah, she got the wrong impression of us that day, I guess. Thought that I was into you or something, and wondered if I wanted her to back off."

Another long pause. "I see," Graham finally said, his eyes narrowing a tiny fraction.

Nova suddenly found the table interesting. Have the tables in the cafeteria always been this off-white? Or were they supposed to be beige? Honestly, colours can be so ridiculously confusing -

The bell rang, shrill and sharp, slicing through the air that was suddenly becoming a little too thick for Nova's tastes.

Saved by the bell, she couldn't help but think, and when she saw the way Graham's shoulders slumped in subtle relief, she figured the same words had run through his mind too.


You're all stars 🌟 remember that <33

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