46// snappy hart

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    Nova was watching 27 Dresses for what was probably the fifteenth time, when her phone rang.

    She ignored it, hoping it was just someone leaving a missed call or a voicemail, as her eyes focused on an enthusiastic Katherine Heigl showing off her outrageous bridesmaid dresses while an amused James Marsden clicked away with his camera.

    But her phone continued to ring, the familiar fast-paced beat of Edward Maya's Stereo Love filling her room.

    Sulking, she pressed down on the spacebar of her laptop's keypad with unnecessary force, pausing the movie and then grabbed her phone from the bedside table.

    "What?" She snapped, not giving a damn about who it may be on the other end of the line.

    "I knew this would happen," she heard Addy mutter but before Nova could ask her what she was talking about, Addy began to yell at someone Nova couldn't see. "I TOLD Y'ALL SHE'D BE WATCHING A MOVIE OR SOMETHING!" Nova had to take the phone a good distance away from her ear. "NOW I'VE GOT TO DEAL WITH A SNAPPY NOVA!"

    "Who the hell are you talking to?" Nova asked, half exasperated and half amused.

    "Oh just gimme the goddamn phone—" a familiar male voice grumbled and then there was a muffled sound and some more sounds like people shoving each other and cursing.

    "Nova, hey," Tyler's voice, smooth and cheery, greeted her.

    "Hi..." Nova sat up in her bed, eyebrows drawn together. "Tyler, what are you doing with Addy's phone?"

    "Talking to you, obviously."

    "Yes, but, why are you — where are you guys?"

    "Graham's," he answered and without Nova's permission, her heart did this not-so-cute little dance where it leapt out of her chest and then slammed itself back in its place. "Its his birthday so —"

    Nova's head snapped up so fast, she winced at the sudden pull of pain in the back of her neck. "Wait, what?"

    "Yes, yes, I know, he's an asshole for not telling you. You can jump into that boat of accusations along with Declan and Addy and Piper when you get here," Tyler paused and Nova could hear him catch his breath, "just wanted to let you know that CeCe's now sells their ice cream in tubs too so please bring along a large tub of Rocky Road when you come."

    "What? No — hey, wait a minute now—!"

    But the line went dead and Nova just sat there, phone in her hand and jaw dropped open.

    She didn't even know the way to Graham's house.

    Maybe she could use that as an excuse, maybe she could just —

    Her phone alerted her of a new message on WhatsApp and it took everything in her to not throw the device at the wall when she saw that Addy had sent her the location of Graham's house.

    No turning back now, Nova mused. Then again, maybe part of her did want to go.

    Maybe part of her wasn't so disappointed by the lack of a reason for her to stay back at home instead.


I'm leaving this here for you guys, but i wont be replying to comments and stuff for a few hours cause I'll be studying...
I might take a quick break to maybe upload another chapter or two, but i won't be responding until much later :)

Stay blessed xx

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