16// troubled hart

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THE BLANK EMAIL TEXTBOX TAUNTED Nova as she sat cross-legged in front of her laptop, staring at the screen while her brain decided to shut down and be completely useless at this point.

Stupid brain, she chided.

Her hands moved from where it was resting on her lap, her fingers hovering a few inches above the keyboard.

What does she type? What does she type? What does she type, type, type dammit?!

Hi there.

Shaking her head, she clicked on the backspace button, erasing the awkward greeting.

Hello. It's me.

Nova groaned, erasing the words again. Her eyes found the clock nailed to the wall above the door of her room. It was a few minutes past ten but Nova suddenly felt tired. It was Friday and after-school practises had been a bitch.

Maybe she'll just hit the bed and try again tomorrow. She'd been sitting in front of the stupid screen for hours already, ever since she drove back from school.

Sighing heavily, she put the laptop on sleep mode and shut the lid before getting out of bed to put it away on her study desk.

Tomorrow it was then


Nova here.

She erased it.

   The door to her bedroom opened and Caroline came in with a bowl of fresh grapes.

"Thought you'd like some," she said, setting the bowl near Nova's lap.

Nova only grunted in response. Her eyes felt strained and her hair was a mess. She'd barely gotten any sleep and when she did finally manage to fall asleep last night, she woke up with that frightening sensation of falling from twelve stories high.

"Still at it?" Caroline asked wearily.

Nova shot her a deadpan look. "It's Saturday; me day. Go away." It wasn't like Nova was irresponsible. She'd made sure she had finished off majority of the homework that was due on Monday before she dedicated her time to this.

Her sister just rolled her eyes before leaving the room and shutting the door close behind her.

Hours, minutes, seconds passed but Nova was still staring at the screen hopelessly when the sun set and the moon claimed the sky.


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