Spoken Poetry: Sex

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Written on May 1, 2017

Sex supposedly sacred and pure, but in this day it's just like more of a need. People treat it like a gospel for manhood, if you're a virgin and 18 especially man, you are not yet baptized.

You can even buy sex today, for 2 – 5 thousand pesos you can reach your artificial heaven, but ask yourself, "What's the price of your soul?"

"We're not having sex we are making love." What a pitiful lie from a tongue of a guilty sinner.

Love doesn't drive us to be aroused, it will always be lust, don't cover your lust with love, they might be relatively the same but they are two different things.

What I'm trying to say is that sex can be sacred and it can be a sin. It can be love and it can be lust.

Now there's a curiosity in my head that keeps going round and round like the merry-go-round. Quotations marks, I'm in love and it is okay because we're both in love. Now the two of you go on the top of the bed and do your so called "make-love," unmarried, without any vows in front of the altar, without any blessings from God. "It's okay, God will understand." Not knowing that it is temptation, a deception, the whisper of sweet nothings of Lucifer. Deep inside your soul and your body there was your second thought, your doubt but you agreed to Satan's plot of destruction. Making you deaf to God's plea not to give your body to somebody who you haven't tied with. Quotation Marks, Our vows is more than enough and in our hearts it is secured. Well I tell you, enemies surrounds us using reverse psychology to tempt us and says we're free of our choice and beliefs to the point that liberty turns into sin.

Then you go complain about your pregnancy and want to abandon your offspring. Every minute of your life, you regret having that child but let me tell you, you have ignored the light when you made love to the person you thought that he's the one. Now your heart's bruising and you try to blame God for your own doing.

Our culture stained by lust, blinded by pleasure that even the innocent children sold into slavery forced to perform sexual acts. Treated worse than animals, treated like objects asking which one is more favorable? And when their body is no longer pleasurable, they throw them away like they're a trash. Throw them away without any cash or anything and let them roam around the streets like nothing ever happened...and worse without any guilt. Oh it's not just children but also adolescents. Is there more anything abrupt than that? Yes there is.

As man stares at a woman...in that man's mind he undress her using his own thoughts. Thinking that her clothes was carefully assembled to get his attention so he ripped it with his own eyes and starts to create an imagination where he forced her to go to the bedroom or take her somewhere, where no one can see his master plan and then rape her with that grin on his face like he did something that wasn't a disgrace. From that moment he have become a pervert, a monster of his own creation. Oh but pardon me, who says it's just men? Like if a man could do it then a woman could also do it but who cares? A man, a young boy? Getting rape? Why would they want escape such ecstasy. I mean they are men, aren't they? Shouldn't they be acting like a proud prey for they have been scored by a daring chick? What kind of society is this? Not giving much attention to this crisis.

But do you hear those screams? Those screams that are forced to be silent. Those violence that forced to be kept within. The abuses forced to be hidden in the eyes of the people, to the eyes of the authorities, to the eyes of the justice.... And they start to believe that there is no God for when they are given opportunity to speak, people shut them in, calling them a slut and telling them to rot. Does this makes any sense? Choices were taken away from them and they have nothing to condemn yet they take the blame. They take the blame while those who have done them wrong lives with an easy life.

But of course that's not all, it's not all about being forced. Some just love to enjoy being young and living it up for pleasure. Making sex as their leisure and thinking that it's just some plaything like how they go and collect flings. They don't want to go and bind themselves in a ring because either they've been deceived or they have nothing to do with their life so they just waste it in lust... waste it for pleasure. And soon some will regret and their soul, mind and heart shall come into chaos. Then they begin to find life as a burden rather than joy. They spend their years in agony, screaming internally, bleeding emotionally, and lost, spiritually and mentally.

Free yourself that is what I tell you, free yourself from your pain and the pain that had been brought to you by the person who had done you wrong. Support and love will come to you and let me tell you that these issues are not new and a lot of people have gone through what you are going through. It's traumatic, it's terrifying and it's horrible but what do I know? But please don't look back but instead look forward and start anew by forgiving yourself and seek God and for His forgiveness. Time will come when everything will be alright....when those wounds will heal and scars will be forgotten. Time will come when you'll find joy and the scars you conceal will be loved by a person who's true and real so let not fear eat you and drown you in the darkness which many times had showed you hell.

Words of the Broken and the LoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon